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MonoX Live Writer support

10/21/2008Categories: MonoX

Microsoft Windows Live Writer is a free desktop application that makes it easier to compose compelling blog posts using numerous blog services. It features true offline WYSIWYG blog authoring and photo/map publishing.
MonoX fully supports Windows Live Writer and other similar editing tools that recognize standard MetaWeblog API, not only for the blog publishing tasks, but also for more general portal editing and configuration actions.
There are several important differences between MonoX and other blog tools that the user should be aware of. A single MonoX page can hold unlimited number of HTML editors, while other CMS and blogging tools often support only one editable area per page: MetaWeblog API and its extensions support only the former scenario. To avoid this limitation MonoX exposes a top-level category called "Portal pages" which holds all editable pages. Each editable HTML document on a portal page has a title of the format "Page title: HTML editor title", so it is easy to find your way around all such documents. On the other hand, news articles can be recognized by titles starting with "News:", regardless of their category.

Additionally, MonoX introduce two utilities in the Live Writer sidebar: "Add page" button allows you to add a new portal page (the format of this pane is identical to the one present in the Page management section of the portal). Note that news articles are added via "New" button in the Live Writer's toolbar.
"Search posts" button allows you to pre-filter portal news and documents. Windows Live Writer has a limitation on the number of posts it can show it the "Recent posts" screen, and currently does not offer any kind of search utility, making it difficult to edit posts on a large-scale portal. Search utility offers a convenient way to locate and access a desired post.

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