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News related to Mono products, services and latest developments in our community.


MonoX architecture explained - the UI

11/12/2011 By khorvat 6
Rated 1.75, 4 vote(s). 
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MonoX includes a lot of functionality out-of-the box: blogs , discussion boards, other social networking and mobile content management features and many more. But when it comes to customization, where do you start and what can you customize? Let us dig into the MonoX architecture to find out more.

Drill down in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008

11/06/2011 By Goran 11
Rated 2.95, 19 vote(s). 
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SQL Server Reporting Services offers a lot of functionality out-of-the-box. There are times, however, when you need to understand some of the subtleties of the report designer to get the right results. This time we will learn how to implement a drill down feature to navigate through large chunks of data.

Using Mono DataManager

11/02/2011 By pajo 3
Rated 5.00, 2 vote(s). 
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Every developer deals with data retrieval, display and manipulation - or data binding - on a daily basis. DataManager in MonoX allows you to use two-way data binding in a more elegant way. It can push your data to and from your views, taking care of the current display mode for each control.

Hyper-V hosting tips

10/15/2011 By denis 0
Rated 5.00, 2 vote(s). 
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We have recently started using Hyper-V technology to virtualize our Web servers that are located in hosting facilities all around the world. During this process, we have learned a few tricks that might be useful in your next virtualization scenario.

MonoX 4.5 is out

10/03/2011 By denis 0
Rated 5.00, 2 vote(s). 
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It’s been a while since we announced a new version of MonoX and described its main new features. We are happy to announce that the final version is now ready – you can grab it from our download section.

Hosting IronPython in WinForms

10/02/2011 By mzilic 0
Rated 5.00, 2 vote(s). 
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IronPython is an open source implementation of the Python programming language for the NET Framework. Learn how to embed it into your WinForms applications to allow a plug-in like functionality.

How to use Web parts in MonoX

10/01/2011 By imarusic 1
Rated 5.00, 1 vote(s). 
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Learn how to benefit from MonoX built-in modules which can be dynamically added to your page using the MonoX drag and drop capability. This tutorial contains all the steps illustrated to help you utilize all the MonoX built-in web part modules.

Parsing a delimited string in SQL Server

09/20/2011 By Goran 3
Rated 3.29, 7 vote(s). 
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This tutorial will teach you how to write a custom SQL Server function for parsing delimited strings. It is particullary useful if you are passing a parameter that contains multiple string values to be used as a filter for “IN” expression in SQL.

ASP.NET localization settings in MonoX

09/14/2011 By imarusic 8
Rated 3.00, 4 vote(s). 
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Learn how to use the interactive localization infrastructure in MonoX. This interactive approach is more flexible for single projects, as it does not require project recompilation, and all of the localization resources are stored in the portal database.

T4 lookup generation

09/05/2011 By mario 0
Rated 5.00, 1 vote(s). 
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Using a strongly-typed approach in working with database lookups, where all lookup values are kept in the container classes, makes it super easy to work with and maintain my code. Learn how to automate the task of creating lookup classes using the Visual Studio T4 template generation tools.
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