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News related to Mono products, services and latest developments in our community.


SQL Tips & Tricks: full-text query optimization

01/20/2013 By kpeulic 0
Rated 3.67, 6 vote(s). 
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How to optimize your slow SQL full text index query that uses a combination of LEFT JOIN and OR operators. A simple switch to the EXISTS operator will make all your performance problems disappear in a moment.

MonoX on GitHub

12/17/2012 By khorvat 3
Rated 1.80, 5 vote(s). 
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We have just started publishing pieces of MonoX source code to our GitHub page. Let me guide you through all repositories that are currently available...

Working with Monox localization resources

12/08/2012 By imarusic 2
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We are recieving a lot of support requiests related to the modification of the default localization settings, or adding a new language to the custom projects. In this post, I will try to shed some light onto this topic.

Using SignalR with MonoX

12/07/2012 By pajo 0
Rated 5.00, 3 vote(s). 
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SignalR is a tool that quickly became a standard for building real-time ASP.NET applications In this post, I'm going to explain how to setup MonoX for SignalR and build a module that uses this framework to send real-time notifications to all active users.

MonoX Upgrade from 4.5 to 4.7

12/06/2012 By khorvat 0
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A couple of working notes for users of MonoX 4.5 these that want to upgrade their applications to the newest version.

MonoX 4.7 is out!

11/23/2012 By denis 0
Rated 5.00, 3 vote(s). 
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The longly awaited upgrade to MonoX is finally ready. Learn more what changes, new features and bug fixes are included in MonoX 4.7 and let us know what new features would you like to see in the next major release.

MonoX nightly builds

10/22/2012 By khorvat 2
Rated 5.00, 2 vote(s). 
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Starting this week, we will start publishing MonoX nightly build packages at the following address. The deployment process is scheduled for Wednesday and Friday each week, and will include the latest bug fixes and new features. 

Running MonoX on Azure

10/09/2012 By denis 9
Rated 4.33, 6 vote(s). 
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Microsoft introduced several exciting new features to Azure just a few months ago, making it easy to deploy your MonoX-based solutions to the cloud. This article explains how to do it in a few simple steps.

Using the BlogSpot API in ASP.NET

09/08/2012 By mzilic 0
Rated 4.00, 6 vote(s). 
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Blogger is a free tool which allows users to easily create their personal blogs that are hosted for free on article will teach you how to use the BlogSpot API to publish, edit and delete blogs.

Turning plain text URLs into clickable links

07/03/2012 By mzilic 0
Rated 4.86, 7 vote(s). 
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Sometimes you will want to utilize the simplicity and "lightweightness" of the plain old ASP.NET textbox while  while keeping a bit of interactivity and user friendliness. This article demonstrates techniques for "linkifying" texts on just about any Web form out there.
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