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MonoX ASP.NET CMS Upgrade

04/04/2011 By khorvat 0
Rated 5.00, 2 vote(s). 
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We have just released the new version of MonoX . This release brings more than a few interesting features - many of your suggestions were taken into account and all reported bugs were fixed.

Support for ASP.NET 4.0 in MonoX

09/29/2010 By khorvat 5
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The newest version of MonoX (3.2.1766.35 and above) fully supports .NET framework 4.0. 

MonoX has a preconfigured web.config for .NET 4.0 that needs to be used when you are installing MonoX on the .NET 4.0 platform. It is recommended to use this web.config before you start the MonoX installation. Note that you need to give the worker process account a write permission on the web.config to automatically setup the web application, otherwise you need to do it manually.

If you are upgrading an existing MonoX based Web application please sync the web.config files, copy the .NET 4.0 enabled web.config to the application root and then change the '<add key="InstallationDone" value="false"/>' to '<add key="InstallationDone" value="true"/>'.

The web.config file can be obtained from the following location in the installation package: "MonoX/Samples/Solution/web4.0.config".