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Newbie Installation Help  (Mono Support )

Viewed 54593 time(s), 12 post(s) 7/1/2013 6:32:20 PMby Steve_Greenstein

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7/1/2013 6:32:20 PM
I am a "classic" ASP web developer and am not very experienced with I have unzipped and uploaded the Monox files to my IIS web server account on GoDaddy, set permissions to write for the installation folder, created a blank database and added the connect string to the web.config file. Once I try and load either default.aspx or login.aspx, I get a 500 error.
Any ideas on how to get this going?
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40 Reputation 6 Total posts


7/2/2013 8:13:47 AM
Hello Steve,

Did you check our User Manual at ? Please make sure that you followed all the steps from "2.2 Using the setup package" from the manual.

Please let us know if you are still having some issues.

Best regards,
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7/8/2013 8:54:27 PM
Yes, I have read the instructions. The files have been uploaded to a shared hosting account. I have created a blank database and added the database connection string to the web.config file. The error message I get when accessing the default.aspx page is "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred."
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7/11/2013 8:15:26 AM
Which .NET Framework version do you have on your web server?
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7/11/2013 3:19:05 PM
It has 4.0/4.5. Shared hosting on GoDaddy
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7/11/2013 4:05:37 PM
Could you send us the screen shot of this error?
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7/11/2013 9:54:19 PM
Totally white screen with the words "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred." Nothing else.

The URL is
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7/12/2013 6:12:43 AM
Can you please provide us with error logs from /MonoX/ApplicationData/Logs/*.log so we can investigate ?

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7/12/2013 3:37:44 PM
The only file in that folder is EmptyDoc.txt and it is zero bytes.
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7/12/2013 3:41:39 PM
Please add write permissions to this folder (whole ApplicationData) for application pool account and try again. When you get the error revert back to us with the log files so we can investigate.

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