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Html5 Video Player  (Mono Support )

Viewed 9635 time(s), 2 post(s) 7/16/2013 3:03:58 PMby fdiama


7/16/2013 3:03:58 PM
I'd like to use the HTML5 video player, but for the moment I'm finding some difficulty with setup;

Could you provide an example on setting up properly the HTML5 video player web part?
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107 Reputation 11 Total posts


7/17/2013 8:30:17 AM

Usually problem is with compress module. In web.config try to look for HttpCompress section and if it's turned on exclude video mime types in config

<HttpCompress turnedOn="true" defaultProvider="Deflate" useCaching="true">
        <add name="mp4" type="video/mp4" />
        <add name="ogv" type="video/ogg" />
        <add name="webm" type="video/webm" />
Next you need to check video format of your video, different browsers support different formats, to tackle this you will need to have same video in different format and set all of them as a source this way each browser will find one that it can play.

If you will still have trouble with playing video, I'll need more details about problems you are having.
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