Mono Support Friends not being friendly. (Closed)

Viewed 26365 time(s), 9 post(s), 4/23/2012 6:03:42 AM - by David
4/23/2012 6:10:55 AM
174 Reputation 22 Total posts

During my testing I have not been able to get the "friending" to work. I log in as one user, put in a friend reqest (seems to go off without issue). Then, I log in as the user that should recevie the freind request but it is not there.

I assume a "message" should appear in the inbox? Where does a user "accept" a friend request?

Any thoughts on where to start the troubleshooting on this? Or, are we dealing with user error?

Thank you.

4/23/2012 6:55:27 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


"friend user" should have received an e-mail message with the link so you can check the e-mail inbox of that user, other place where you can check if friend request was saved is the Site Wall and Profile page. In the right column you have Invitations received and Invitations sent module and the request should be there.

Let us know if that is the case ?


4/23/2012 4:44:19 PM
174 Reputation 22 Total posts

I see them now, but only when I am in design mode. Otherwise, they disapear. I don't have the part settings to any particular group. Any thoughts why?

(see attachment)

4/23/2012 7:50:41 PM
174 Reputation 22 Total posts

Note: I even added hide if empty = false and visible explicitly = true in the control parameters in the UserProfile.aspx. As soon as I get out of design mode, they disappear.

<MonoX:InvitationList runat="server" InvitationType="InvitationsSent" ID="ctlInvitationsSent" PageSize="9" AvatarSize="40" HideIfEmpty="false"  Visible="true" />
                       <MonoX:InvitationList runat="server" InvitationType="InvitationsReceived" ID="ctlInvitationsReceived" PageSize="9" AvatarSize="40" HideIfEmpty="false" Visible="true"  />

4/23/2012 8:41:21 PM
174 Reputation 22 Total posts

Note: All three of these controls are having the same problem on the profile page. They only show up in design mode regardless if the lists are empty or not. I have tested it both ways.

<MonoX:PeopleSearch runat="server" ID="snPeopleSearch" ConfirmationRequired="true" />
<MonoX:InvitationList runat="server" InvitationType="InvitationsSent" ID="ctlInvitationsSent" PageSize="9" AvatarSize="40" />
<MonoX:InvitationList runat="server" InvitationType="InvitationsReceived" ID="ctlInvitationsReceived" PageSize="9" AvatarSize="40" />

4/24/2012 6:26:41 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


that was an issue in one of MonoX versions and it was only related to MonoX Profile demo page. Please find the link to latest unofficial build in your InMail. Test the invitation lists with that version and get back to us.


4/30/2012 4:16:11 PM
174 Reputation 22 Total posts

Thank you. I did receive the new build. Can I ask what is the best way to upgrade to this build? I have already modified many theme files and extended a few controls. Is there documentation somewhere on implementing an upgrade? Thank you.


4/30/2012 9:09:09 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi, You should read the blog post related to MonoX upgrade, you can find it under blogs menu item. Let me know if you need anything else. Regards

5/3/2012 11:55:17 AM
174 Reputation 22 Total posts

The upgrade to Build V seems to have fixed this problem. Thank you for providing this support.


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