Mono Support How to change the group pic / avatar size ? 

Viewed 15388 time(s), 9 post(s), 7/9/2013 1:04:01 PM - by super
7/9/2013 1:04:01 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

I am trying to decrease the group pic size as I have this in default.aspx:

<MonoX:PopularGroupsList runat="server" ID="NewGroups1" CacheDuration="600" PagingEnabled="false" MaxDescriptionChars="90" AvatarSize="20" PageSize="5" RewritePageTitle="false"></MonoX:PopularGroupsList>

But in the setting of webparts and even in code in default.aspx, I have tried changing the size or avatar but it never changes anything, why ?

7/10/2013 1:54:25 PM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts

Hi super,

It seems that it's a bug on our side. We will let you know when we fixed it.


7/10/2013 2:46:33 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Thank you for getting back to me..I will keep an eye on this forum, please post a message with solution here one bug is fixed on your end.

7/10/2013 2:59:43 PM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts

In mean time you can resize image directly in a template. Template name is: PopularGroupsList.htm


7/10/2013 4:57:23 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Is this correct as I don't see any change in the result ? Still same big size of group image ?

As you can see, I have tried adding width and height for img 

<div class="group-item clearfix">
    <div class="group-image">   
        <a href="<# UrlView #>">
            <img src="<# ImageUrl #>" style="border: none;" alt="<# Name #>" width="75px" height="75px"/>
        <div class="arrow"></div>
    <div class="content">
        <h2><a class="group-name" href="<# UrlView #>"><# Name #></a></h2>
            <# Description #>

7/11/2013 7:41:31 AM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts


here is an example:

<img src="<# ImageUrl #>" style="border: none;width:40px;height:40px;" alt="<# Name #>" />


7/16/2013 8:15:27 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


just to point out the right property to use when working with the PopularGroupList, you should use the GroupLogoSize property to set the size of the group image. Available sizes can be found in the ApplicationSettings.ThumbnailSizeDefaults enum.

Note: AvatarSize will be removed in next version of MonoX.


7/19/2013 5:07:28 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

So there won't be any avatar size in next release then how site admin will change the avatar size ?

7/19/2013 5:55:50 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

It will be removed from this control only. You will have logo size property.

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