Mono Support Start a Custom Project based on MonoX 

Viewed 71831 time(s), 9 post(s), 5/24/2012 8:03:54 PM - by marcus.tham
5/24/2012 8:03:54 PM
88 Reputation 12 Total posts

Dear Al,

I've installed MonoX to my development machine and it worked like a charm.

Now I wanna start a customized project based on MonoX platform, hence I follow the User Manual - Portal Development section, as well as this post to start custmizing, with the following steps:

1. Copy the "ProjectName.sln" & "Portal.csproj" to the root folder of my installed monox folder, which is @ "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MonoX".
2. Then, I open the "ProjectName.sln" file in VS2008 and the folder structure is created.
3. Now, without doing any changes (besides what I've done during the installation of fresh MonoX), I run the project.
4. But the error happened.

I'm not sure why I can't get the folder structure as per the User Manual, and inside my solution file, I can't have all of the Monox folders included.
When I opened the Default.aspx in designer mode, it is loaded with error saying that the controls can't be loaded.

May I know where can I go from here?
Please advise. Thank you

5/25/2012 6:58:45 PM
88 Reputation 12 Total posts

Dear All Gurus,

Any comments?

I've referred to this post as well, but I still find no clue to start creating a project based on MonoX framework.
Appreciate all comments & helps.

Thank you very much.

5/25/2012 7:31:10 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi, it seems to me that you have done everything as described so we will need to investigate the error before we proceed. Can you please post the error you get and a screenshot of the solution explorer?

5/26/2012 4:09:25 AM
88 Reputation 12 Total posts

Dear Khorvat,

Please refer to the attached for the screens:

1st Screen - Fresh Install - Running with no problem without doing anything.

2nd Screen - Copied the "ProjectName.sln" & "Portal.csproj" to Website Root Folder.

3rd Screen - Open "ProjectName.sln" using vs2008 and its folder structure.

4th Screen - Run (F5) from VS2008 error (without changing anything)

Please advise if I'm going to the correct direction.
Thank you.

5/26/2012 11:14:21 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi, due to all sort of issues it is better not to use design view in visual studio, I have mentioned This in one of the posts. As for vs error that you get, you need to switch IIS app pool To .net 4.0. Let me know if this helps.

5/26/2012 8:47:34 PM
88 Reputation 12 Total posts

Dear Khorvat,

Thanks to your prompt reply.

Ok, I'll not use the Designer View anyway.
While for the App Pool, I'm using ASP.NET Integrated App Pool as attached since I installed,
it didn't help.

Please advise. Thank you.

5/27/2012 7:37:57 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi, I see the app pool settings but if you take a closer look at the exception in previous post you will see that error is returned from .net 4.0. Can you please check and get back to me.

5/27/2012 2:54:22 PM
88 Reputation 12 Total posts

Dear Khorvat,

Thanks for your prompt reply even on Sunday!

Yes! The previous error was returned from .NET Framework 2.0!

I then check the project settings, I set to .NET 3.5 by default in VS2008, but it stills posted me the same error,
hence I tried to open the ProjectName.sln by using VS2010, and upgrade the framework to 4.0,
and it worked!

I'll now go from here for my road of customizing!
Thanks Khorvat for your support!

5/28/2012 7:31:39 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


sorry about this I thought that you have upgraded to VS 2010.

Let me know if you need anything else.


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