Mono Support Danish alphabet 

Viewed 222652 time(s), 16 post(s), 5/9/2011 8:05:50 AM - by Helene
5/11/2011 1:21:18 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


this is minor correction that I need to make to get your site on-line

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="MonoSoftware.UrlRewriter" publicKeyToken="d1a569f05f515132"  culture="neutral"/>
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="4.0.2686.40"/>

Can you please test the issue now and get back to us ?


5/9/2011 8:07:59 AM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts


I have a problem if a user chooses a profilename containing the danish letters æ ø or å
(I have added an image of the letters if you can´t see them here)

The profile is created in the database (with the right letters) and an e-mail to the user, saying that the profile is created, is send .
The user accepts from the e-mail and is logged in and can write on the wall but when the user want to see "My profile" is says that the profile does not exist.

The same problem appears if the <alt> attribute is shown if an image is missing (? insted of the letter)

I have a feeling that it has something to do do with the Unicode but I don´t know much about it and where to change it.

Can you maybe help me?


5/9/2011 10:38:58 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi Helene,

we have found the source of the issue, it is most likely related to URL rewriting in a 3rd party library and we are performing some test to be sure that we get it right. In the mean while you can apply quick fix by removing the URL rewriting from the link you are using (if you are generating the link's URL). If this is MonoX built in issue we will provide you with a solution as soon as possible.


5/10/2011 8:14:09 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


while we are performing intensive testing on this issue, can you tell us are you using IIS 7 / 7.5 ?


5/10/2011 10:10:46 AM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts

Hi khorvat

I´m sorry it gives you so much trouble.

I´m not sure about the IIS but I have asked the support at my hosting provider but I don´t think they reply as fast as you do ;)

But I´ll tell you as soon as I know.


5/10/2011 10:14:20 AM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts

Hi again

I forgot to mention that I can´t create group categories either.

Maybe that can help!??

5/10/2011 10:17:08 AM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts

Hi again again

Okay they were is IIS 7,5


5/10/2011 11:38:48 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


we have fixed the issue with URL rewriting, there was a wrong encoding in 3rd party tool used for URL rewriting. The issue was solved only for IIS 7 and 7.5 while IIS6 is still causing some problems (it can handle the culture specific characters in folder names). You can find attached URL rewriter assembly for .NET 2.0/3.5 and 4.0. After you apply (copy the assembly to the bin) the fix everything should work as expected.

Note: URL rewriting assembly version is higher than your version of MonoX so you'll probably need to setup the assembly binding in the web.config (You can find more information here). This fix will be included in the next release of MonoX, so every version from 4.0.2650.35 or 4.0.2650.40 and above should have this included.

We have tried to create a MonoX group with culture specific characters and we didn't encounter any problems, so can you please open a new topic for this issue and describe the issue in more detail (Please do this after you test the above issue maybe it is related to URL rewriting).

5/10/2011 2:02:56 PM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts

Hi khorvat

Very good that you found and fixed the issue but the change in the web.config file is a bit too hardcore for me.

Can you please tell me how I setup the assembly binding?

I have copied the .dll (4.0.2686.40 is that the right one for 4.0?) to the binfolder.

Thank you very much in advance.


5/10/2011 2:23:09 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi Helene,

yes this is right version for .Net 4.0

I have copied the .dll (4.0.2686.40 is that the right one for 4.0?) to the binfolder.

To implement assembly binding you need to copy the following configuration to your web.config:

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="MonoSoftware.UrlRewriter" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="4.0.2650.40" newVersion="4.0.2686.40"/>

Note if you have runtime section in your web.config then you should append the code above.


5/10/2011 2:55:29 PM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts

Hi again

Thank you very much.

One question more though

Where exactly should I place the code in the web.config?

I suppose it matters where it is placed!

Sorry but I´m not a programmer :(


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