Mono Support TextEditor bug with IE10 Release preview 

17193 put(a) pogledan, 8 odgovor(a), 28.11.2012. 17:05:41 - Kreirao(la) Zoomicon
28.11.2012. 17:05:41
2793 Reputacija 345 Ukupno objava

using IE10 Release Preview for Win7 and it seems to insert </br> in the text when adding new line
</br>occurs in your site too, see this post of mine below:

29.11.2012. 8:54:03
15993 Reputacija 2214 Ukupno objava

Yes we are aware of this and we are considering few options to fix this. We will update this post as soon as we fix this.


30.11.2012. 11:18:17
2793 Reputacija 345 Ukupno objava

there are other issues with IE10RC too (some of those could be reported to Microsoft too I guess if its their bugs) that can be solved by pressing the Compatibility (broken page icon) button on the addressbar
</br>- at admin UI the splitter at the Pages page doesn't work
</br>- quick task links at admin home page don't work

30.11.2012. 11:21:20
2793 Reputacija 345 Ukupno objava

also right click on Pages tree and selecting new container page doesn't work

30.11.2012. 11:32:11
2793 Reputacija 345 Ukupno objava

also dragging column header edges in Pages admin page doesn't work in IE10RC
</br>another strange issue that doesn't get fixed in compatibility mode is that you right click and select Rename on a page at the datagrid. It shows the rename dialog and in the background you see the selection in the grid move to the next row so when you commit the rename it renames the next page in the grid (alternative that works is to right click Page and select Properties, then rename from there)
</br>btw, would be nice to be able to drag-drop pages from the grid to the tree at the left apart from ticking the checkbox at the grid (dropping at the tree would tick the checkbox automatically obviously)

30.11.2012. 11:45:35
2793 Reputacija 345 Ukupno objava

also on IE10 the texteditor for page content doesn't show its toolbar so you can't save edited content

3.12.2012. 7:51:00
15993 Reputacija 2214 Ukupno objava

Hi George,

  that is great feedback, most of the issues are related to 3rd party controls so we have upgraded the library and passed the build to QA team, now we are waiting their feedback and we will review your's.

Stay tuned, thanks.

4.12.2012. 15:41:36
2793 Reputacija 345 Ukupno objava

btw that IE10RC/Win7 bug regarding the extra </br> seems to also occur in another way, where when you upload attachments to a post it adds one blank row after every row in the post text and then when you post that text it appears as </br> (so I guess it's the same or similar issue)

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