Mono Support Minor typo 

Viewed 18004 time(s), 10 post(s), 10/26/2012 2:24:08 PM - by GeorgeBirbilis16
10/26/2012 2:24:09 PM
0 Reputation 3 Total posts

at MonoX/Samples/Solution the ReadMe.txt says "langauge" instead of "language"

10/26/2012 2:44:45 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Fixed thanks :)

10/26/2012 2:51:41 PM
0 Reputation 3 Total posts

just found another one, now in the english localization resource DefaultResources.resx in the localization solution (guess you have to also rebuild your resources to fix it, not just fix the .resx in the MonoX/Samples/Solution/LocalizationProject)

<a href="" title="Click here to get more informtion on Captcha">CAPTCHAs</a> are used to prevent automated software from performing actions
which degrade the quality of service of a given system,
whether due to abuse or resource expenditure.

notice the "informtion" instead of "information" there

10/26/2012 5:06:45 PM
24 Reputation 2 Total posts

Just caught another one at DefaultResources.resx: it says at "Message_AccountActivationEmailSent_Description" the following: ".......Your account we'll be activated and you'll be automatically signed in.....". Obviously needs "will", not "we'll"

10/26/2012 7:25:07 PM
0 Reputation 5 Total posts

also, at ErrorMessage_Upload in the same resource file it says "All files could not be uploaded. Please ensure that all files that are being uploaded have the correct extension and size." - That one should be "Could not upload all files..." I think, since now it says that no file was uploaded instead of saying some files couldn't be uploaded (unless I understand the behaviour of the uploader wrong)

10/26/2012 6:23:55 PM
0 Reputation 5 Total posts

another one is at ErrorMessage_Login, it says: "The user with the entered user name does not exist" which is a bit of a logical paradox (you can't have a user with some property and then have that user not exist). It would be better phrased "No user with the entered user name exists" I guess

10/26/2012 6:37:19 PM
0 Reputation 5 Total posts

and "{0} application wants to access your social data?" at OpenSocial_RequestMessage should be without a question mark, but with a "." at the end I think (user replies Allow or Deny) since it's not a question. Also maybe it should say "social networking data", but I guess in english it doesn't sound very bad

10/26/2012 6:54:29 PM
0 Reputation 5 Total posts

at ContactForm_MissingContactEMailAddress the message "Contact e-mail address is missing. Please contact the web site administrator." reminds me of BIOS error message "Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue" that would freeze touch-screen Kiosks after some power failure.

maybe if that message is shown it should show under it a link to the profile of the admin user of the website (unless it does already)

10/26/2012 7:17:55 PM
0 Reputation 5 Total posts

at Message_AccountCreated_Description, it says " the address you provided.To activate...". It needs a space after "provided."

10/26/2012 7:49:18 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Great feedback, thanks. We have fixed all of the reported issues.

This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info.