Mono Support Is there a way to restore / unhide a closed web part on a page? (Closed)

Viewed 17266 time(s), 5 post(s), 4/10/2012 12:11:18 PM - by Jeremy
4/10/2012 12:11:18 PM
322 Reputation 36 Total posts

Is there a recycle bin or some other interface that would allow me to restore a previously closed web part?

The tooltip for the close verb icon in the web part chrome menu (aka web part verb menu) says "Hides the part on the page without deleting it completely." This seems to imply that there is an option to restore or unhide the closed web part.

4/10/2012 12:35:55 PM
1849 Reputation 181 Total posts

Can you please specify the version of MonoX that you use?

4/10/2012 12:50:35 PM
322 Reputation 36 Total posts

I use MonoX v4.5.3206.40 [11/11/2011], DB v4.5.3103.

4/10/2012 1:25:36 PM
1849 Reputation 181 Total posts

You can enable this option by following these steps:

1. Find key "AllowCloseVerb" in web.config and change value to "true"

<add key="AllowCloseVerb" value="true" />

2. Find this file "..\MonoX\MasterPages\MonoX.master" in your project

3. Go to this line:
<portal:HiddenCatalogPart ID="hiddenCatalogPart" runat="server" Title="<% $Code: DefaultResources.MonoXMaster_HiddenCatalogPart_Title %>" />

4. Paste below code after above line:
<asp:PageCatalogPart ID="pageCatalogPart" runat="server" Title="<% $Code: DefaultResources.MonoXMaster_PageCatalogPart_Title %>" />

5. Save the file and refresh the MonoX in browser.

6. Login as administrator and click to "Change the look and functionality of this page" => "Part catalog" and you will see new web part catalog "Closed parts catalog (1)" with closed web parts. (Please check the attached screen shots.)

Please let me know is this was helpful for you.

4/10/2012 1:46:54 PM
322 Reputation 36 Total posts

Thank you kpeulic, it works perfectly as per your instructions. Very helpful and such a quick resolution. I am very impressed.

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