Mono Support Master Pages and Themeing problems 

Viewed 10135 time(s), 4 post(s), 5/1/2013 1:14:31 PM - by hsheldon
5/6/2013 6:45:02 AM
40 Reputation 4 Total posts

Hi All,
I'm new to MonoX.  I believe I have everything installed correctly.  I worked through the Blog called "Building a custom ASP.NET project based on MonoX" and got the project up and running.  I can fully compile and debug it.

I'm stuck on master pages.  The default Master page in the project is in the folder MonoX/MasterPages/Default.master.  I made a new folder structure based on my project at the same level called TFE/MasterPages/Default.master which I copied.  I then made a minor change in my new master page (just commented out the banner.jpg).  I changed the default.aspx to point to my TFE master page instead of the MonoX one.    After compiling, I see no change, the banner is still showing and nothing I did was reflected.  What am I missing?  I tried forcing a refresh in my browser just in case it was caching.  Am I getting stuck on server side caching somehow? 

<%@ Page 
    Title="MonoX - Portal Framework for ASP.NET" 
    Codebehind="Default.aspx.cs" %>

Thanks for any help.


5/6/2013 6:45:10 AM
40 Reputation 4 Total posts

Turns out, I was changing the wrong master page but when I do change the correct one and just comment out the <img> tag that holds banner.jpg, I now get an error on the page.  Here's the error in the log.  

System.Web.HttpParseException (0x80004005): The server tag is not well formed. ---> System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): The server tag is not well formed.
   at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ProcessError(String message)

Here's the minor change in the Default.master.  Notice just the img is commented out.  Any ideas?

 <div class="bottom-section">
        <div class="container">
                <div class="row-fluid">
                    <div class="span12">
                   <div class="membership-search">
                       <img runat="server" src="/App_Themes/Default/img/membership-search.jpg" alt="Banner" class="scale-with-grid" />
                            <div class="membership-navigation-holder">
                                <MonoX:MembershipNavigation runat="server" ID="ctlMemership" LoginStatusLogoutText="&nbsp;" />
                            <div class="search-holder">
                                <MonoX:Search runat="server" ID="ctlSearch" TextBoxCssClass="mainSearchBoxInputField" ButtonCssClass="searchImage" ButtonText="Go" DefaultSearchText="<%$ Code:DefaultResources.SiteSearch_DefaultText %>">
               <!-- img runat="server" src="/App_Themes/Default/img/banner.jpg" alt="Banner" class="scale-with-grid" / -->

5/1/2013 2:26:44 PM
40 Reputation 4 Total posts

Wow, I'm not starting too well in my support forum debut.  I took out the tag completely and everything works fine.  Sorry for all the false reports.

5/1/2013 6:40:35 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


I see you have managed to get around your issues, I hope you find the ues of MonoX pretty straight forward.

Let me know if you need more help with yoir project.


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