Mono Support Customizing the footer ? 

Viewed 18726 time(s), 5 post(s), 8/14/2011 12:24:42 PM - by shawndg
8/14/2011 12:25:22 PM
1871 Reputation 252 Total posts

Im having a hard time removing all the default Monox stuff..

If I use the
<MonoX:PageFooter runat="server" ID="ctlFooter"></MonoX:PageFooter>

If I try to use the standard file..

PageFooter.. If I edit the PageFooter.ascx file..
It crashes Monox .. If I remove the bottom monox links etc..

At first I thought it was a license issue but I was not trying to remove the Monox logo..

Any ways I bought a License for Monox and still was unable to edit that file..

I found a work around.. I wont list here because It may allow for the whole function to be disabled.
I'm wondering if this is a bug preventing me removing the certain controls from the footer page.

And what controls they are.. Maybe its one of those.. visible // enable = false things like I ran into on the registration page.

8/14/2011 12:51:42 PM
1871 Reputation 252 Total posts

I found it .. to be the login controls..

Cant remove them..

<li><h2>Site Map</h2></li>
<li><asp:LoginName ID="loginName" runat="server" visible="false" /></li>
<li><asp:LoginStatus ID="loginStatus" runat="server" visible="false" /></li>
<asp:LoginView runat="server" ID="loginView" visible="false">
<li><asp:HyperLink visible="false" runat="server" ID="lnkRegister" Text="<% $Code:DefaultResources.Login_RegisterInvitation %>" NavigateUrl='<% $Code: MonoSoftware.MonoX.Utilities.LocalizationUtility.RewriteLink("/Membership/Register.aspx") %>'></asp:HyperLink></li>

May be more.. but this was enough for me to be able to work with..

8/14/2011 2:30:25 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


  if you are using the MonoX demo pages and master page for you own Web application then you need to use these controls. But generally this isn't a way to start your customization. You should create your own Master page and Page template (which has Header and Footer controls of your choice) and use this Page template to create your pages.

If you need any help with this procedure let us know.


8/14/2011 4:54:22 PM
1871 Reputation 252 Total posts

I did use all the default pages to strat my build. I would like to seperate and build my own template but due to time restrictions I just used the default and customized it to suite my needs. I would like to build my own template though the correct way in the near future.

8/14/2011 7:04:36 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


  To quickly get started you can hide all the demo controls and add your own - just a suggestion. Is there anything you need to made the process easier ?


This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info.