Mono Support Displaying images in blogs when displaying a character limited view? 

Viewed 8859 time(s), 2 post(s), 2/16/2013 8:15:56 PM - by HoTWire
2/16/2013 8:15:56 PM
56 Reputation 5 Total posts

I am potentially using MonoX for a new project, it is a great feature fit.  I'm currently trying to adjust some of the display items to be how my client would like them.  The biggest thing I need to do is get the home page blog post list looking correct.

Currently the display is here : ... the image not displaying is a big problem for us right now, is it possible to get this image to display in this list view?

Is it also possible to have a "More..." button at the bottom of each post linking through to the full post.

2/17/2013 7:26:51 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


in order to display images you need to upload them or put external links into image tag inside the blog editor. If you need read more link at the end of every post just put the same url tag as in title with different text at the bottom of the blog template - App_templates/BlogTemplates/BlogPostList.ascx or html.


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