Mono Support MonoXMenuHtml5 

Viewed 34947 time(s), 5 post(s), 2/25/2013 4:56:14 PM - by darryljneil
2/25/2013 5:00:25 PM
207 Reputation 23 Total posts

I am looking for a way to inject our own css/style to the MonoXMenuHtml5 web part. I see in the source editor of MonoX that the web part's current css class is set to "monox-simple-menu", but cannot find that rule anywhere in my project. What is the most efficient/direct approach to modifying the look and fee of the MonoXMenu web parts? I've attached a screen shot of the web part source editor as well.


2/25/2013 5:44:40 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

I'd expect it to have that rule at the default.css for the theme the current page is set to use. The themes are at App_Themes folder

2/25/2013 6:01:19 PM
207 Reputation 23 Total posts

Thank you for replying zoomicon. I've already looked in that folder and in fact done an entire solution search for that term. I'm quite new to working with MonoX and unfamiliar with many of their entry-points to customizing the look and feel, but have so far been able to overcome these shortcomings by being persistent and thorough. That being said, have you personally been able to customize the MonoX menu web part? If so, what difficulties, if any, did you experience that I may be able to avoid?


2/26/2013 7:57:26 AM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

We have only themed the old menu (I thought that was the simple-menu) up to now (see, the CSS is at, so I'm not sure what it takes to theme the new menu

2/26/2013 4:22:44 PM
459 Reputation 55 Total posts

in default.css file you can find css for navigation. It starts al line 1588 /**** Navigation - START ****/. There you can change it.


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