Mono Support MonoX/Samples/Solution/Portal.csproj Missing 

Viewed 10116 time(s), 7 post(s), 1/9/2013 6:39:59 PM - by zach
1/9/2013 6:39:59 PM
65 Reputation 8 Total posts

I'm trying to follow the guide here:

And am up to the step "Changing the configuration files" i.e. trying to open the project in VS2010. However, there is no Portal.csproj in the zip file or in my project install...

Is it missing or is the guide outdated for .NET 4.0 implementations? The readme references a special install for .NET 4.0 but I believe that is what I got....

1/9/2013 7:27:35 PM
65 Reputation 8 Total posts

Okay nevermind. To clarify to anyone who has any trouble with this:

Don't bother navigating to MonoX/Samples/Solution/

The csproj and solution file is actually included in the zip file within the CMS install package (

1/9/2013 8:08:20 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


Samples source code includes only the samples and not the empty MonoX project. You should use the solution & project from the MonoX/Samples/Solution/(Portal.csproj & ProjectName.sln) . You should copy those files to the root of the package you are using.


1/9/2013 8:36:43 PM
65 Reputation 8 Total posts

Well if that is the case, there is definitely no csproj in that folder :)

1/10/2013 12:55:56 AM
65 Reputation 8 Total posts

Maybe there is a problem w/ using that file because I seem to have the project open but I keep getting this error:

Warning 102 D:\Work\Websites\Brew\Brew\MasterPages\Default.Master: ASP.NET runtime error: Failed to create AppDomain. D:\Work\Websites\Brew\Brew\MasterPages\Default.Master 1 1 Portal

It's causing 100+ web.config warnings I believe... any advise? Can you review the build posted and tell me if I'm going crazy because there is definitely no Portal.csproj in MonoX/Samples/Solution in the file I downloaded other than what is in the zip file...

1/10/2013 1:00:04 AM
65 Reputation 8 Total posts

Here is the screen shot... are you referring to some where else?

1/11/2013 9:04:04 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi Zach,

yes there was a problem in continuous integration build that for some reason removed the project file. We are investigating this as we speak. In the meanwhile can you please use the attached project file.


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