Mono Support ascx CONTROL in master page 

Viewed 12364 time(s), 2 post(s), 11/8/2013 12:45:22 PM - by sonap
11/8/2013 12:45:35 PM
475 Reputation 52 Total posts


I am working on a new theme and I am changing my Default.master structure. I have created a new PageHeader.ascx control to use dynamically in Default.master, but It cannot be identified as I need to create back classes (ascx.cs file). 
The problem is that I don't use Visual Studio, but just Notepad++. Is there a way to create these files (.cs) or use the PageFooter.ascx.cs as reference? Is there a tutorial or .NET documentation to use as reference?

Thank you in advance,

11/8/2013 1:01:28 PM
345 Reputation 61 Total posts

if you only want to change the markup and use the MonoX PageHeader.ascx control behavior, then you can achieve this without the codebehind (ascx.cs) file by inheriting the controls codebehind by using the 'Inherits' attribute of the @Page directive (see

If you wish to change the code behind behavior and need to override some methods in it, you will need Visual Studio since the control needs to be recompiled. In this case, you can use the free version of Visual Studio (Visual Studio Express).


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