Mono Support Another Copyright question and Feature request 

Viewed 17693 time(s), 8 post(s), 12/5/2012 6:16:08 PM - by super
12/5/2012 6:16:08 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

I have another question about "powered by monox".

Is it mandatory to keep the link in footer (or anywhere), it has to be VISIBLE ?

I mean link can be added (that is linked with monox software website) but the font color can be changed to blend with the footer color and there will be link but it won't be visible ? Is it ok to do this or no ?

P.S. I created another topic about similar powered by question and market reply as answer and cannot ask this question there because there is no add new post or reply option WHICH raises a feature request.

Is this is the functionality, what if a user mark the post by mistake ? then he can't even post in that topic and have to create another topic to tell admin to delete other topic or un-mark it from admin's side?

Same situation can be this...I asked a question and got answer then marked the answer... then later related to same topic I had to ask another qusestion (like current) but since once market, a user CANNOT post in that topic, I had to create this new topic.

Just "NOT" having feature of link / add new post to topic marked as answered can lead to spamming and UN-necessarily topics and adds more work for admin in maintenance. Also its NOT user-friendly - There are many situations when a user needs to say something or finish the conversation even when a topic is marked as answered.

(Would be great to have this feature here and monox project as well)

12/5/2012 7:27:52 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Yes it is required to have the link visible don't you think that we deserve that much credit for making the MonoX CMS free and for providing the community with the free support? Marking the post as an answer doesn't close the topic, I have closed a topic as it was answered as a practice that w have, so I think that you maybe missed that and get that all wrong. Regards

12/5/2012 8:19:34 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Yes, I AGREE that monox team deserve that credit, no question/doubt about it.... and thanks for clearing that confusion - Thank you

We all appreciate that the project is available for FREE and support is available - You guys answers all our questions - Thank you

12/6/2012 7:59:09 AM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

I guess you can have a clickable powered by monox logo there with its ALT set to the same text (for search engines to crawl that text)

regarding the "mark as answered", I think at latest nightly build they have changed it for the admin to be able to unmark answers and also mark multiple replies (e.g. from other users) as answers at a topic. Also I have suggested they add "Propose as answer" and "Not an answer" report actions available to other users for moderator/admin to then check (crowdsourcing the correct answer(s) detection)

12/6/2012 8:24:39 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Just a note, Admin, Discussion Admin, Discussion moderator and owner of the post can mark/unmark the post as an answer.


12/15/2012 7:41:26 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

I can't find such roles in older versions, are these new ones?

12/17/2012 7:58:58 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


you can find these definitions in the web.config

<add key="AdministratorRoles" value="Administrators" />
<add key="NewsPublisherRoleName" value="Publishers" />
<add key="AdManagerRoles" value="AdManager,Administrators" />
<add key="BlogAdministratorRoles" value="Administrators,Publishers" />
<add key="CalendarAdministratorRoles" value="Administrators,Publishers" />
<add key="DiscussionAdministratorRoles" value="Administrators,Publishers" />
<add key="PhotoGalleryAdministratorRoles" value="Administrators,Publishers" />
<add key="NewsEditorRoles" value="NewsEditors" />
So MonoX has AdministratorRoles, DiscussionAdministratorRoles set in web.config and then we have moderators per board, which you can set while editing the board.


12/17/2012 2:36:13 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

I was expecting to see those Roles at administration console, strange (it's like hierarchical roles I guess, had some discussion/suggestion on it recently on the forum)

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