Mono Support No avatar's are showing up after clean install 

Viewed 17105 time(s), 9 post(s), 4/3/2012 5:43:24 PM - by DavidE.Tedeschi
4/3/2012 5:43:24 PM
130 Reputation 16 Total posts

I have a clean install on Server 2008 of MonoX .Net4 . Everything works except all avatars are blank as if the images don't exist. Any thoughts? There is nothing in the error log.

4/3/2012 5:44:50 PM
130 Reputation 16 Total posts

Notice, the admin avatar is red x.

4/3/2012 5:54:59 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

If this is the default installation, something is probably wrong with the access to the GetImage.axd, a MonoX HTTP handler that actually generates avatar images. Could you please copy the complete HTML source of the img element for the avatar from your page, just to see if it is correctly formatted?

4/3/2012 6:54:07 PM
130 Reputation 16 Total posts

Yes, here it is. Thank you for replying.

4/3/2012 7:27:34 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

It is actually serving the contents of the image, but it appears to be corrupt or trucated. Whis version of IIS are you using? Is it running on a shared or dedicated environment?

4/3/2012 7:36:27 PM
130 Reputation 16 Total posts

It is a dedicated environment. It is Server 2008 IIS Version 7.5.7600.16385

4/3/2012 7:46:35 PM
130 Reputation 16 Total posts

Denis. I solved the problem. This information may be useful for others in the future. I have my DNS hosted at which as a proxy uses compression and heavy caching. The compression they are using is causing a problem with the truncating of the .AXD. As soon as I bypassed it, the avatars started showing up. Thank you for your support.

4/3/2012 7:57:02 PM
130 Reputation 16 Total posts

To be more specific, it stars working after I "un-check" HTML in the auto minify settings in I hope this saves someone some headaches.

4/3/2012 9:33:45 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Great, I thought that some sort of compression/optimization utility is to blame here. Thanks for the info.

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