Mono Support Edit Ad element from campaign - v5.1.40.5107  

Viewed 14582 time(s), 2 post(s), 3/30/2015 10:11:12 AM - by akucharczyk
3/30/2015 10:11:12 AM
99 Reputation 10 Total posts


We have a problem in Ads module (AdManager.aspx). When we want to edit Ad element from campaign we get error:
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. w System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) w MonoSoftware.MonoX.Admin.AdManager.#Wu(Guid entityId, CancelEventArgs e) w MonoSoftware.MonoX.GridViewEditBox.OnEdit(Guid entityId, CancelEventArgs e) w MonoSoftware.MonoX.GridViewEditBox.btnEdit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) null

Is it known issue?


4/1/2015 9:35:13 AM
145 Reputation 18 Total posts

Hi Adam,

We have tried to reproduce this error and the only way we could get it is when we have inserted two same pages with same language inside same Ad. 

If you could please verify if you have two or more same pages attached to same Ad by running this query on MonoX database:

SELECT AdId, PageId, LanguageId FROM AdPage
GROUP BY AdId, PageId, LanguageId

This query will return records that have AdId, PageId, LanguageId duplicates inside AdPage table. If this query returns anything, it means you have to delete one (or maybe even more) of those duplicates from AdPage table.

If query doesn't return anything then something else caused the problem.
Please let us know so we can continue investigating the problem.


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