Mono Support any way to close the website ? 

Viewed 18086 time(s), 10 post(s), 8/31/2012 1:22:14 PM - by super
8/31/2012 1:22:14 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Any way that I can close my website and display a page that says "website closed temporarily" and from the backend as admin i can still work on my website ?

8/31/2012 2:02:33 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Also..any way that I can have sign up newsletter module on that page ?

I want to start a website but i don't want people to see the website unless i am completed my work. so right now i wanna set a launch page with signup newsletter for updates.

any help ?

8/31/2012 2:43:52 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Not directly, but there are several ways to do it via simple IIS configuration changes. You can just change the home page for your site to something else than default MonoX page. Of course, that would not prevent people from going to your MonoX pages directly (if they know the address), so you could open two sites in IIS, and bind the real domain to the temporary site, while working on some subdomain/virtual folder name for MonoX.
As for the newsletter supscription module, depending on your version, you might have a NewsletterSubscription.ascx in the MonoX/Samples/WebPartSample/Newsletter folder. If you don't have it, we will port the source here.

8/31/2012 2:47:13 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Is this feature is on the roadmap for monox ? like having a site close page where admin can close the site and still maintain the site from the backend.

Like having a checkbox option in admin site something like: Site closed "Enable" "Disable"

If enable, if anyone tried to visit the website will be redirected on the page

This would be great to have and I hope other monox users will like this feature as well.

8/31/2012 3:20:17 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Not currently, but you are welcome to add it to the roadmap forum, and there is enough interest, it will be adde to one of the next releases.

8/31/2012 3:29:41 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

How to request for features / add it to the roadmap forum / vote for current roadmap features since roadmap topic is closed ?

8/31/2012 3:36:24 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

As I wrote in the roadmap topic in this forum and in my earlier e-mail message to you, you can do it in the newly opened roadmap forum.

8/31/2012 4:16:16 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Yes i did read all that but there is no reply option to add comments on the roadmap sticky / thread:

since this "Current Roadmap" topic is closed and i can't add anything to it as comment or reply, do you want me to create a new topic for each feature that i would like to request ?

8/31/2012 4:28:24 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

That's correct, go ahead and add a topic per request - otherwise we would have one long comment list that would be difficult to manage.

8/31/2012 4:34:15 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

ok denis, thanks

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