Mono Support Sending Friend Invite (Issue) 

Viewed 10483 time(s), 2 post(s), 3/24/2015 4:38:00 PM - by br549
3/24/2015 4:38:00 PM
50 Reputation 4 Total posts

When I attempted to send an invite to a friend, the form would not post. The validation message did not give me a clear indication of why. I noticed that when I changed the message text to "Hello" the form did post and the message did send.

a. Page: /profile/[username]
b. Description: The invite a friend only allows a message length of 5. There is not a clear reason given to indicate why the form is not submitting. Only an “*” is displayed.
c. Repo: Navigate to a user’s profile page. Try to submit a friend invite with a message length of 30. 

3/25/2015 3:20:01 PM
144 Reputation 22 Total posts

Hi br549,

Thank you for reporting this issue, we've logged this into our internal issue tracker.


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