Mono Support Lost data when deleted example users (Closed)

Viewed 24912 time(s), 6 post(s), 9/12/2011 6:32:31 PM - by grant.stone007
9/12/2011 6:32:31 PM
647 Reputation 69 Total posts

I have an out of the box MonoX portal. We have made many edits to page content and the site map. All changes done as the admin user or another user with Administrator role. Today we deleted all of the example MonoX users. We did not delete Admin nor any of our admin users.

All of the content customized content and the site map are now gone. Content is defaulted back to original installation content and the site map is blank, we have no menu.

We do not why this happened and we need to know if there is a way to recover the missing data?

9/12/2011 9:04:17 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Hi Grant,
We would have to take a look at your database to see what happened. Could you please perform a backup, compress it and send it to our support address?
Generally, most of the content is bound to the user that created it (pages, HTML editor articles, blog, wall and forum posts, etc.), and the during the removal process, all associated content is being deleted. It sounds like you deleted the user that entered the content the content, even if the default admin account is still active. In any case, we will be able to tell more after we see the database.

9/12/2011 9:50:07 PM
647 Reputation 69 Total posts

I will commence with preparing such a backup to provide you. In the meantime, I am trying to recover from this mishap. Can you tell me what table(s) might be involved? I want to try to piece back the effected tables as opposed to doing a full restore form my previous database backup. The content that I wish to recover is limited to just Portal pages such as /default.aspx and /monox/pages/features.aspx and the site map.

9/13/2011 6:43:48 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


here is the list of the tables that contain the content of the page (HTML Editor Web part):

- Document (Holds the editor content a.k.a page content)
- Navigation, NavigationLocalization (Holds the menu items)
- Page, PageLocalization (Relates to the site map)

Can you tell us one thing, did you run the script that removes all the MonoX demo data (script can be found here on forum) or you removed the data manually ?

Note: Script will remove all the MonoX demo data but it will also remove the data that you have entered in same tables where demo data resides. So demo data needs to be cleared prior to new data has been entered.

If you need anything else let us know.


9/13/2011 2:20:12 PM
647 Reputation 69 Total posts

I deleted users, news, groups, blogs all manually using the portal administration pages. I have recovered from this. I restored database from backup and very carefully and slowly removed the demo data as I did before but I checked the results after each delete. All my data is OK this time so 1) I must have deleted someone or something wrong or 2) it was a one-time glitch.

Additionally, I have changed database to FULL recovery model. Had I done this earlier I could have recovered to a much better point in time.

Thank you for your help.

9/13/2011 3:04:57 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

I'm glad that you recover from this, I suppose that you have deleted some user or data that has cascade delete attached to it, and that has removed all the data you have entered.

I'm closing this issue, if you need more assistance please open a new topic.


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