MonoX Roadmap Feature Request: Edit Language Strings & Messages from Admin UI (Closed)

Viewed 17475 time(s), 4 post(s), 4/24/2014 1:11:16 AM - by gstadter
4/24/2014 1:11:16 AM
669 Reputation 67 Total posts

It would be a leap forward, in my opinion, if strings and messages could be modified right in the Admin Portal UI.
I had recently learned about the availability of the MonoX Localization Resources package on GitHub (referenced thread).
While this method is usable, I think it is reasonable that in most instances(at least in my experience), customizations of messages that are displayed to users will usually need to be made.   When supporting multiple instances, through several version upgrades, I would begin to question whether the presumed performance gain is truly worth forcing admins to go through such a process to make simple changes to words, phrases, and messages on the site.   After all, it is a "content management system".

4/24/2014 9:04:40 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

MonoX CMS has localization UI screen, it is placed on the admin dashboard "Other tasks -> Portal Localization" or you can also find it under "Quick Tasks -> Other tasks -> Portal Localization" available on every administration page placed on the top left of the screen.

If you want to us Portal Localization you will need to enable it in web.config you need to change the following 

    <ResourceProviderModel defaultProvider="ResourceManager">
        <clear />
        <add name="ResourceManager" type="System.Resources.ResourceManager, Mscorlib" customProperties="" />
        <add name="DBResourceManager" type="MonoSoftware.Web.ResourceProviderModel.Providers.DBResourceManager, MonoSoftware.Web.ResourceProviderModel" customProperties="" />
    <ResourceProviderModel defaultProvider="DBResourceManager">
        <clear />
        <add name="ResourceManager" type="System.Resources.ResourceManager, Mscorlib" customProperties="" />
        <add name="DBResourceManager" type="MonoSoftware.Web.ResourceProviderModel.Providers.DBResourceManager, MonoSoftware.Web.ResourceProviderModel" customProperties="" />
Note that if you are doing some custom development and using this provider you will be required to

- manually insert new resources in the database
- to use Resource Provider Strongly Typed Resource Generator - can be found in download section

You can also read more about MonoX localization here


4/25/2014 12:06:37 PM
669 Reputation 67 Total posts

My apologies.   I will do better in the future to me more thorough in my search of existing documentation before posting.

4/25/2014 12:19:07 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

No problem :) I'm glad that you have found everything you need.


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