Mono Support LOGIN page always showing up in English 

Viewed 13153 time(s), 5 post(s), 8/26/2014 4:36:27 PM - by Zoomicon
8/26/2014 4:36:28 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

I noticed at the LOGIN button (top-right on

that it points to a URL like

the ReturnUrl there seems fine and indeed after one logins it goes back to the el-GR home page

BUT the login screen is always showing in English (I set it to show a language bar and it selects English there even though I was in Greek before)

SO I THINK THE ISSUE is with your REWRITE rules or the language bar that fail to add the language to URLs like the one used by the LOGIN button/link

CAN you suggest ASAP what I can do to solve this?

8/26/2014 4:53:34 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

probably a separate issue is with the login page and hosting the language bar in it (at the master page we have it)

I see that always shows "English" and if I press another language there it jumps to English again (although the url has the correct param)

btw, the LOGIN link from the home page forgets to add /lng/el-GR but the logout from the admin page does add it and tries to take you to localized main site login (which fails too though to select the greek in the language bar)

8/27/2014 7:45:41 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


can you let us know if you have localized the Login page resources to Greek, compiled and deployed the dlls to BIN ? This is prerequisite to having localized login page, also if there is no Greek translation then all resources will fallback to English.

As for the Logout/Login control & return URL used in the demo site, can you let me know what MonoX version are you using as there may be an issue with login URL rewrites in older versions ?

"SO I THINK THE ISSUE is with your REWRITE rules or the language bar that fail to add the language to URLs like the one used by the LOGIN button/link"
Can you please let me know if you are using MonoX Language Changer WebPart or your own WebPart ? I was looking at your site and it seems to be adding the language rewrite rule to URL properly ?

"btw, the LOGIN link from the home page forgets to add /lng/el-GR but the logout from the admin page does add it and tries to take you to localized main site login (which fails too though to select the greek in the language bar)"
Can you please point out the login link on your side so we can take a look ?


9/6/2014 3:04:11 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

> if you have localized the Login page resources to Greek, compiled and deployed the dlls to BIN ? This is >prerequisite to having localized login page, also if there is no Greek translation then all resources will fallback to

> English.

haven't added string resources yet, but I'd expect the login page to behave like others and not change the language selector's language back to English by itself

9/9/2014 1:17:42 PM
345 Reputation 61 Total posts

Hi Zoomicon,
this seems to be a bug and has been added to the internal bug tracker and will be fixed in one of the future MonoX releases.
To get around it for the time being, you can either modify the URL of the Login button and add the language-specific slugs manually (e.g. link to "" for Greek language).

You can do this either by using JavaScript (you've already done something like this judging from previous topics you've been active in) or you can inherit the control in question and change the URL generation there.

To change the control URL you can try inheriting the SeoLoginStatus.ascx control and override its OnPrerender method with something like this:

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
btnLink.NavigateUrl = LocalizationUtility.RewriteLink(btnLink.NavigateUrl);

Let me know if this helps.


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