Mono Support Hello, i tried finally install Mono on separate hosting, and it doesn't proceed. 

Viewed 190625 time(s), 46 post(s), 1/19/2012 10:11:02 PM - by in4man
1/21/2012 8:03:13 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


they should be almost the same and I think the problem is not in the .NET version but in settings. Let us try to access your site so we can take a look at the issue ?


1/21/2012 8:18:25 PM
282 Reputation 46 Total posts

OK post your email i'll send you settings for login. my email

1/21/2012 8:23:08 PM
282 Reputation 46 Total posts

I already send you email & password for account on host-ing via InMessage. (messages in right upper corner)

1/22/2012 11:30:50 AM
282 Reputation 46 Total posts

So, how about it? Did you find out something related to that issue?
With regards, Sergey In4man

1/23/2012 7:42:44 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


we have take a look at your web site and it seems to us that hosting company has setup a SQL or StateServer as Session provider. 4.5.32xx version has a bug in installer section in case of StateServer so we can solve your issue or by providing you with newest version of MonoX or by you contacting the hosting company and checking why are they using StateServer while your settings are using in-memory session state management.

Let us know how you want to handle this.


1/23/2012 4:12:20 PM
282 Reputation 46 Total posts

Thanks, I want newest version of Mono! Please post it here or send me an message ;)

1/24/2012 12:47:33 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


we have sent you an URL to new MonoX version that has installer fixed. Get back to us if you have any issues while performing an install.


1/25/2012 8:50:31 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


we have tried to install MonoX via installer but it seems to us that web hosting provider has some specific SQL server settings. We are trying to get to the error log file but it is being locked by the process and provider doesn't event let us restart the IIS process. So as soon as we check the error logs from today we will try to find the solution for this issue.

Alternative is manually configure MonoX settings, is that an option to you ?


1/25/2012 4:56:32 PM
282 Reputation 46 Total posts

Yes, i can configure MonoX at web.config. And you can see all SQL settings at hosting control panel. (At MS SQL tab in configure section)

1/31/2012 7:25:12 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


we have tried to install MonoX manually but it seems that MS SQL isn't working as expected (it's surprising that hosting provider is using the MS SQL Express). We can't run any SQL install or import scripts as we get the below error.

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

How do you want to proceed with this, do you want to contact your hosting provider and try and resolve the issue or maybe you want to try and use some other hosting providers that we recommend ?

ASP.NET Hosting Review, Part 2
ASP.NET Hosting Review, Part 3
ASP.NET Hosting Review, Part 4


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