Mono Support Mobile Application Notification 

Viewed 12915 time(s), 6 post(s), 11/30/2014 10:58:14 PM - by Apocalypse
11/30/2014 10:58:14 PM
177 Reputation 14 Total posts

Hi there,
How would one implement a notification functionality for native mobile applications. For example if a user (User A) wrote a blog post and another user (User B) commented on that blog post on the ASP.NET site, what event handler can i hook into to trigger a notification to user A's mobile device.

User A will have the mobile application running on his/her mobile device and i already have the method to trigger push notification, i just need pointers on how to hook up this method to the MonoX save even handler


12/1/2014 9:21:42 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


you have two ways of doing this:

- Using the WebPart events and hooking to WebPart event

1. Inherit the BlogContainer WebPart
2. on the OnInit event attach the method to BlogPostSaved event handler
3. place your code in method handling the event

Note: in the BlogPostSaved sender is the WebPart if you need to reference to BlogPostEdit part

- Using the Blog BLL and using the IoC pattern (MonoX v5.x only)

1. Inherit from BlogBLL
2. Override the EnsurePostExists
3. place your code in the overridden method
4. create class that inherits BaseMonoXNinjectModule and add the Rebind<IBlogBLL>().To<YourInheritedBLL>(); line

Choose what approach suites you best and get back to us if you have further questions.


12/2/2014 12:41:49 AM
177 Reputation 14 Total posts

The second approach seems like a more architecturally sound one. I do wonder where the BaseMonoXNinjectModule is  located, i cant seem to find it to inherit.



12/2/2014 8:06:25 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

It is located in the MonoX.Common.dll - MonoSoftware.MonoX.Common.DependencyInjection.BaseMonoXNinjectModule


12/3/2014 6:24:18 AM
177 Reputation 14 Total posts

Seems like i have version 4.9 so therefore i wont be able to take advantage of the DI/IoC pattern and installing the 5.0 version nightly build seems to be a bit of a challenge since i cannot get it to run despite following the installation instructions. So i guess i have to ask how to upgrade my current version to the 5.0 version if possible?

12/3/2014 8:58:51 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Yes, my advise would be to upgrade. You need to unblock the MonoX v5 package downloaded from our site and unzip the package to your current MonoX folder (make sure you have a backup), then you should fix any issues that arise.

Note: Please open a new topic for every upgrade issue that you have as it would be easier to track them.


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