Mono Support Installing MonoX on Windows 7 

Viewed 243874 time(s), 21 post(s), 5/19/2011 3:57:34 PM - by gonzalom
5/20/2011 3:08:28 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


can you please remove the following lines from your web.config

        <add value="Default.aspx" />

They are not needed under the Default web site in the IIS.


5/20/2011 3:19:28 PM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts


I have also noticed that you do not have proper timeout  value for RequestRssStorageProvider in web.config file.

Your version:

<add name="RequestRssStorageProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.RssEngine.Providers.RequestRssStorageProvider, MonoX" workingFolder="" sqlConnectionString="" timeout="" />

It should be:

<add name="RequestRssStorageProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.RssEngine.Providers.RequestRssStorageProvider, MonoX" workingFolder="" sqlConnectionString="" timeout="30" />


5/20/2011 3:42:48 PM
345 Reputation 38 Total posts


Did the latest 2 changes to the web .config. It's strange because the web.config is the same I downloaded using PI. The only changes I did were for the email settings...
No luck yet :(


5/20/2011 3:48:56 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


can you send us what is causing the problem so we can take a look ?


5/20/2011 5:17:51 PM
345 Reputation 38 Total posts

Hi, well... unfortunately I don't know what's causing the problem :(
I have 2 different issues:

1) I can't start the MonoX on my local IIS 7.
2) I do can start it using web matrix, but it can't send me a confirmation email when I try to register despite I modified the web.config as you told me.

I already post the web config, so I supose you'll need to take a look at something else.
I could zip the MonoX folder so you could see what's actually inside there. I can't think of anything else to send you.
Just ask me and I'll send you whatever you need.



PS: If at least I could make it work properly from inside WM, IIS would be less priority.

5/20/2011 5:25:03 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

It seems to me that you mixed the versions of .NET framework - apparently you are running the MonoX version for .NET 4 under the IIS application pool set to run under .NET 2 or something like that. See this URL for more information:
If this doesn't help I would like to contact you via Skype or MSN, and use TeamViewer or similar tool to solve this problem interactively.
Note that WM version (installed via MS Web Platform Installer) is rather old, as Microsoft has a very long update procedure. The version downloaded from our site is always up to date.

5/20/2011 5:54:31 PM
345 Reputation 38 Total posts

Hi Denis,

Well, the link you are suggesting is the one I told to some of the guys that didn't work for me :(
If we could talk it would be great and I would really appreciate it.
May be you could send me your skype user via email so I can add you as a contact.


5/20/2011 6:04:56 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

I sent you my contact information.

5/20/2011 8:18:28 PM
345 Reputation 38 Total posts

Hi Denis,

I thought it was worth to give thanks to you here, for your patience and effort to help me running MonoX.
Thanks a lot!



5/20/2011 9:06:04 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Hi Gonzalo,
You are welcome.
For the rest of our visitors, this was caused by the ASP.NET and IIS misconfiguration. Whenever you start getting "500 internal server error" in your browser, it is wise to check MonoX logs (/MonoX/ApplicationData/Logs) and Windows event log. If both are empty, the browser request is probably not reaching the MonoX engine at all, and it may be solved by simply running aspnet_regiis -i from your .NET framework folder ( C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 or something like that, depending on the version of the framework you are using). This will reinstall ASP.NET and update existing applications to use the correct version of the application pool.

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