Mono Support Custom User Control Error (Closed)

Viewed 62388 time(s), 10 post(s), 9/23/2011 9:37:24 AM - by whitewing
9/23/2011 9:37:24 AM
105 Reputation 12 Total posts

Hello I Write a User Control For MonoX CMS, I Use ASP.Net Default Menu Control, But ASP.NET Default Menu Control CSS can't show normally.

The Result is Menu Control Expand All Item. I don't know how to fix this error. Thanks!

9/23/2011 10:02:38 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


this is a CSS issue as you may have changed the parent css class or something. You need to send us you mark-up code and css so we can check what is the issue. Or the best solution would be the URL of the Web site so we can take a look.


9/23/2011 2:24:29 PM
105 Reputation 12 Total posts

This is my test website. You can look it.

9/23/2011 2:41:55 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


I think the issue is in the CSS Friendly Adapters as you are missing CSS styling for the Menu control. My suggestion would be to disable CSS Friendly Adapters by doing the following in the /App_Browsers/CSSFriendlyAdapters.browser file:


<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu"
               adapterType="CSSFriendly.MenuAdapter" />

Change to this
<!--<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu"
               adapterType="CSSFriendly.MenuAdapter" />-->


9/24/2011 12:06:06 AM
105 Reputation 12 Total posts

Hi khorvat

I found a post like my problem before. Then I disable Menu CSS Friendly Adapters, But it doesn't work.


9/24/2011 6:33:10 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


I have take a look at the web site again and CSS adapters are still applied to the Menu, did you compile the Web site after you have commented out the CSS adapter ?


9/24/2011 6:52:45 AM
105 Reputation 12 Total posts


I'm sure mark CSS adapter code, But When I Modify MonoX Code, the site will recompile again, isn't?

When menu control in my develope project, css name is other.

When I place user control in MonoX. user control menu css use anthoer one(ex: Asp-Net-Horizational).

So I don't know what happen in this case


9/24/2011 8:47:09 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

You need to open MonoX project in a Visual Studio (Solution provided with MonoX is of WAP type so you need to recompile the project) and recompile the project so your App_Browser assembly is regenerated. When you do so your adapter will be disabled and you won't get the "Asp-Net-" CSS classes in the MonoX project.

Let me know if you have managed to solve this.


9/25/2011 11:51:47 AM
105 Reputation 12 Total posts

HI Khorvat

I Compile App_Browsers Again. But App_Browsers.dll doesn't change more. Then I copy file to MonoX project again.

The Menu CSS doesn't walk. So I google "App_Browsers.dll" issue. I found some issue you can take a look.


The solution is delete "Bin" folder's " __browserCapabilitiesCompiler" file, so it's work.

9/25/2011 5:10:55 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


by recompiling the MonoX project the file __browserCapabilitiesCompiler should be deleted, and that's why I didn't mentioned that to you. But it seems to me that you are compiling the project on one side and then coping the files to another, so maybe that was the problem. I'm glad that you have solved the issue and that it works for you.

For the next MonoX release we are removing the CSS Adpters from the default settings, so if anyone want's to use them they should manually enable them and recompile.


This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info.