MonoX Roadmap What is the future of Monox? Where is it going? 

Viewed 33448 time(s), 5 post(s), 12/9/2015 9:47:45 PM - by super
12/10/2015 1:02:00 AM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Hello MonoX team,

It has been "almost" one year when v5.1 was released. We all thank you for providing the new version - Monox team did a great job with the update!

I can't find any where in regard any word on the future of monox. I was away from the forums so just curious for an update. Feature-wise, I can't find any information where Monox team shared any list on upcoming features.

Most important question is - when we should expect a new version? Is it going to be a major upgrade? 

I would appreciate if anyone from MonoX team can share some words on the future of Monox product. Which direction it is heading? 

I am sure other forums member would like to know that too. In .Net community there are many CMS projects and usually development team shares the roadmap for each release and time. I would like to know the same for Monox.

-Future of monox
-Upcoming feature list
-ETA for next release
-Technology wise what next versions will be based on? Web forms / MVC / ASP.NET vNext?
- How many increment versions we should expect every year?

Thank you

12/11/2015 8:11:34 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Can anyone from monox team comment on this please?

12/12/2015 4:55:15 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

More than 10 years has passed since the initial release of MonoX. Our partners and clients have hundreds of active customized applications built on top of it. However, it was designed in the "pre-MVC" era using Web Forms. While Web Forms will not go away anytime soon, there is no support for it in ASP.NET 5. You can continue to build Web Forms application with MonoX in Visual Studio 2015 by targeting the .NET 4.6 framework. However, Web Forms applications cannot take advantage of any of the cool new features of ASP.NET 5. 

We will still continue to support MonoX and issue bug fix releases. However, there will be no major upgrades. We have focused our development efforts on Baasic, a powerful new platform that works with all major client- and server-side tools and frameworks. It is a completely new concept and will not be backwards compatible with MonoX. 

If you are just starting to build a new solution, have a good background in Web Forms and want to use some of the social networking or other features MonoX offers, it might still be a great option. However, if you want to use other tools and frameworks - including those from non-Microsoft world - Baasic will be a better choice.

12/14/2015 7:55:18 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

thank u denis for the update. this is a big news that there won't be any major update for monox in future and i think all users here will find it useful if you and team post a blog post about it and announce this news.

For me, it is a sad news that project is ending now as there will be no major upgrades. It is good that you and team are still supporting the project and will release bug fix but no major release in future also means end of project and its roadmap.

This also means that I have to make some important decisions because my projects based on monox will not move with the latest technologies. For me it is important to have a project that uses latest technologies in .NET because it is important on a long run. 

Just like me, i am sure other users should also know about this news because users might have plans for future.

I remember that years back i proposed and asked monox team about moving to mvc:

I wish the team would have considered moving the project to mvc as I am sure all of us wud have love to see the monox project go with latest technologies but i guess it was time for you to start working on a new project.

thank you monox team for this great project and making it available for free. wish you luck for the new project.

12/15/2015 9:56:48 AM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Thank you for your thoughts and kind words.
We see this as a new beginning, not the end of MonoX. Due to all advances in technology over the course of the last 10 years, Baasic is much more powerful and flexible product/service. Although we contemplated to port MonoX "as is" to MVC, it would not make too much sense or attract too many new users. As it matures, Baasic will cover the same set of scenarios as MonoX, while offering many additional features and support for other technologies outside the .NET stack. 
Wish you luck in your future projects and hope to see you using our new products.

This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info.