Mono Support Trial set MonoX (Closed)

Viewed 17737 time(s), 5 post(s), 4/7/2012 4:03:48 AM - by hundhaus
4/7/2012 4:03:48 AM
70 Reputation 8 Total posts

Trial set MonoX
Apparently, not properly.
He writes at the bottom of page: "This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info."
It is not clear how to enter the administrator page.

How to be a?

4/7/2012 8:03:02 AM
1849 Reputation 181 Total posts


You can close this message by click on the "X" at the right bottom corner and you can enter to the administrator page by click on "Click here to log in" at the left bottom corner. Please check the attached screen shot for more details.

This "Demo" indicator is placed on the MonoX default footer control "MonoX\MasterPages\PageFooter.ascx". You can create your own footer control without "Demo" indicator.

Please let me know is this was helpful for you.


4/7/2012 3:10:03 PM
70 Reputation 8 Total posts

Thank you! it helped, but not completely.
After installation, I can not enter the admin page.
Looked web.config:
1. ???? - <ActiveDirectoryConfiguration server="" username="" password="" /> - empty
2. ????: - empty
<clear />
<add workingFolder="" sqlConnectionString="Data Source=????;uid= ????;pwd=????;database=????;Connect Timeout=1500;" name="SqlProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.WAO.ViewState.Providers.SqlProvider, MonoSoftware.Web.WAO" customProperties="RecycleTime=60;ViewStateTimeout=480;" />
<add workingFolder="" sqlConnectionString="" name="CompressionProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.WAO.ViewState.Providers.CompressionProvider, MonoSoftware.Web.WAO" customProperties="" />
<add workingFolder="" sqlConnectionString="" name="CacheProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.WAO.ViewState.Providers.CacheProvider, MonoSoftware.Web.WAO" customProperties="ViewStateTimeout=120;" />
<add workingFolder="/MonoX/ApplicationData/Cache" sqlConnectionString="" name="DiskProvider" type="MonoSoftware.Web.WAO.ViewState.Providers.DiskProvider, MonoSoftware.Web.WAO" customProperties="RecycleTime=60;ViewStateTimeout=480;" />

How to be a?

4/7/2012 4:58:00 PM
2218 Reputation 300 Total posts

I'm guessing that what you're looking for is the default administrator's username and password: it's admin/admin. Please change that before deploying your site.

After you login with an account with administrative privileges, a collapsible panel is displayed to you across all portal pages with a link towards the portal administration area.


4/8/2012 12:51:43 AM
70 Reputation 8 Total posts

Yes, thank you for your help.

This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info.