Mono Support Active Directory Groups (Closed)

Viewed 28412 time(s), 4 post(s), 8/20/2011 9:17:36 AM - by francoiswolmaransza
8/20/2011 9:17:36 AM
70 Reputation 9 Total posts

I have configures AD integration and user logins work, which groups do I have to configure on AD to anble administration?

8/20/2011 9:55:08 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


  you need to login with the AD Domain administrator account to MonoX so account will be created by MonoX, then you need logout and login with MonoX administrator account, after that you need to go to User management inside the Portal administration, find the Domain administrator account and put him in the MonoX administration role set by the web.config.

I'll try to get my colleague who has more information on AD to confirm this.


8/20/2011 8:23:12 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Active DIrectory groups are picked up automatically by the MonoX ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider (see this article for more details). You can always decide which role(s) will be used by administrators, and set the AdministratorRoles setting in the web.config accordingly (Kristijan's tip is also valid, but requires you add administrators one by one). 
For example, in most AD scenarios, system admins are placed in the Admin role. TO reflect this, change the AdministratorRoles setting to the following:

<add key="AdministratorRoles" value="Administrators;Admins;" />

This will allow your AD admins to be automatically recognized as MonoX administrators.

8/21/2011 9:11:26 AM
70 Reputation 9 Total posts

Thanks, that worked.

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