Mono Support Crucial Design Bug: Forum post area is NOT working in any of the latest browsers. (Closed)

Viewed 13168 time(s), 5 post(s), 4/23/2014 7:57:41 PM - by super
4/23/2014 7:58:31 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Crucial Design Bug: Forum post area is NOT working in any of the latest browsers.

I have tested the forum in all the latest browsers and except chrome, forum post area is not working properly in any of the latest browsers.

When the number of lines is more than the forum post whwite area, the new lines overlaps the page and scroll bar never shows up inside the posting area.

Tested in:
- Firefox 28.0 (NOT WORKING)
- Chrome (it only works in chrome)

Please see  the screenshot attached.

Please provide the solution if possible as it is a very crucial design bug as all users of my monox site is experiencing this issue in posting topics and replies.

4/24/2014 8:48:08 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

We will review this issue and get back to you shortly.

4/24/2014 10:23:48 AM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Thank you khorvat and also I would deeply appreciate if you or anyone from the team could post a quick solution here as it is very crucial as my site users use discussion board all the time.

4/24/2014 11:05:59 AM
459 Reputation 55 Total posts

Hi Super,
thanks for this report, here's a solution:
SASS (into _control-discussion.scss)

.discussion-form {
    .RadEditor {
        .reContentArea {
            max-height: 240px !important;
.discussion-form .RadEditor .reContentArea {
    max-height: 240px !important;
This will solve your problem, and it will be fixed in next MonoX release.

Thanks again,

4/24/2014 2:52:21 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

Perfect, thank you IvanB & khorvat for providing this prompt solution for this bug.

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