Mono Support MonoX + Exchange server (Closed)

Viewed 67732 time(s), 9 post(s), 7/10/2013 1:10:24 PM - by ruslanruslan
7/10/2013 2:53:53 PM
123 Reputation 15 Total posts


Give me please advice, how to store MonoX project and Exchange server web interface (it's important in 2013 version) on the same port 80? MonoX works well, but exchange not.

I receive error associated with localization..

7/10/2013 2:05:08 PM
1849 Reputation 181 Total posts

Do you host the MonoX project on the IIS? 
If yes, could you give us a screenshot with the MonoX IIS properties?

7/10/2013 2:15:25 PM
123 Reputation 15 Total posts

Yes, IIS.
Yes of coarse, but i don't understand exactly what properties are you talking about?

7/10/2013 2:24:20 PM
1849 Reputation 181 Total posts

Could you attach the screenshot of the expanded "site folder" on IIS where you placed MonoX and the screenshot of the Application Pools.

7/10/2013 2:58:49 PM
123 Reputation 15 Total posts

here it is

7/10/2013 3:02:51 PM
1849 Reputation 181 Total posts


Now we see, where is the problem.

You solve this issue on two ways:
- create new application in the IIS and set the phisical path to the MonoX project root,
- create new web site in the IIS and set the phisical path to the MonoX project root.


7/11/2013 4:53:23 AM
123 Reputation 15 Total posts


Now MonoX works well. Exchange give error, that screenshot i've made after hit Exchange url, main url works and gives MonoX page. If i make new web site i will choose whom to be active Exchange or MonoX, or put them on the different ports. But i want work them together on 80 port.

7/11/2013 7:51:32 AM
1849 Reputation 181 Total posts

If you working on the local environment you need add custom host name for each website and add these names to the "hosts" file.
If you are working on the live server then you need to use different domain names.

7/11/2013 2:56:23 PM
123 Reputation 15 Total posts

i understand you, great idea, i've put Exchange to, big thanks!!

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