Mono Support OpenId 

Viewed 26664 time(s), 8 post(s), 4/21/2011 6:54:55 AM - by Helene
4/21/2011 6:54:55 AM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts


I want to remove the OpenId part from the Login page but I can not figure out where to do that.

Can you please help me?


4/21/2011 7:01:59 AM
1176 Reputation 140 Total posts


Please refer the following module and commnent out the code in second TD in second TR



4/21/2011 8:20:00 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


Helene I think that you are talking about the RPX login and the best way to remove it (if we are talking about the MonoX login page) is to do something similar to RRR suggestion, do not comment out the RPX module because you may encounter a runtime error because RPX module is used in code-behind, but rather set the visibility of the RPX control your code should look like this:

<MonoX:LoginRpx runat="server" ID="ctlLoginRpx" Width="100%" ApiKey="" Visible="false" />

One other way to disable the RPX is to disabled the user registration globally on the web site, if this is your intention then you should set the "EnableUserRegistration" in the web.config under the Application Settings "appSettings" section.

If you are talking about the OpenID (which is hidden by default on MonoX demo Login page) you should set the "ShowOpenIdLogin"  property to false in the mark-up where you instantiated the Login module, so your code should look like this:

<MonoX:Login runat="server" ID="ctlLogin" Width="100%" ShowOpenIdLogin="false"  />

RRR thanks for your help and I hope that this explains few things more clearly.


4/21/2011 10:51:51 AM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts

thanks to you both

I had tried to outcomment the <td> in the LoginModule.ascx and it gave an error.

Now the code in the Login.aspx is changed but I stille see the OpenID on the page..... I´m missing something but what?? :)

Some of the code in Login.aspx:

<MonoX:Login runat="server" ID="ctlLogin" Width="100%" ShowOpenIdLogin="false" />
<td id="rowRPX" runat="server" style="width: 50%;padding:5px;" Visible="<% $Code: MonoSoftware.MonoX.ApplicationSettings.EnableUserRegistration %>">
<MonoX:LoginRpx runat="server" ID="ctlLoginRpx" Width="100%" ApiKey="" Visible="false" />
<asp:Literal runat="server" Visible="<% $Code: MonoSoftware.MonoX.ApplicationSettings.EnableUserRegistration %>" Text="<% $Code:
PageResources.Login_RpxWarning %>"></asp:Literal>


4/21/2011 10:50:39 AM
1176 Reputation 140 Total posts

<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlOpenIdContainer" Width="100%" Visible="false">

please replace above line of code in the line 59 in LoginModule.ascx instead of commenting TD of code

the panel pnlOpenIdContainer make it visible false;

FYI please have a look at the image , to remove red bordered part just make pnlOpenIdContainer visible false in ModuleGallery\LoginModule.ascx


4/21/2011 10:59:43 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi Helene,

RRR has explained to you how to hide the OpenID section of Login Module, and form your code I can see that you are trying to hide the RPX control and my previous post wasn't 100% accurate because MonoX demo page has some built-in functionality related to RPX visibility, so your code should look like this:

<MonoX:Login runat="server" ID="ctlLogin" Width="100%" ShowOpenIdLogin="false" />
<td id="rowRPX" runat="server" style="width: 50%;padding:5px;" Visible="false">
<MonoX:LoginRpx runat="server" ID="ctlLoginRpx" Width="100%" ApiKey="" Visible="false" />
<asp:Literal runat="server" Visible="<% $Code: MonoSoftware.MonoX.ApplicationSettings.EnableUserRegistration %>" Text="<% $Code:
PageResources.Login_RpxWarning %>"></asp:Literal>

Note that I have moved visibility from RPX to TD holder.


4/21/2011 11:51:05 AM
315 Reputation 39 Total posts

Hi RRR and khorvat

Thank you very much for your help.

Now, my website is ready to be tested by some future users :)

MonoX is a very good system - when you first come to understand it, I think :)

Happy hollydays


4/21/2011 12:33:08 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


Helene, yes MonoX is very powerful CMS and you need to know a few things to tweak it for your needs. 

Happy holidays, and don't spend to much time tweaking MonoX during the holidays ;)


This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info.