Mono Support MonoX design 

Viewed 28559 time(s), 4 post(s), 1/18/2012 3:20:51 PM - by nicher
1/18/2012 3:21:26 PM
130 Reputation 14 Total posts


How easy (or hard) is it to integrate an existing HTML+CSS template that comes originally from PSD files, into a working MonoX 4.5 website?

This question may sound a bit general, but the answer will have an impact or certain projects I am involved with at the moment.

Kind regards,

1/18/2012 3:55:22 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Saying "it depends" will probably not help you much :) In a way, it is not too different from working with ordinary ASP.NET sites, as you will need to produce HTML for master pages and CSS and related resources for the application theme. Addiitonally, MonoX introduces a part template concept, which allows you to skin the individual Web parts.For a skilled designer that knows where to put he individual resources, this requires a few hours of work for a typical template with a few HTML editors/content holders. Of course, this time grows when there are many additional parts that needs to be skinned (for example, the blog system consist of 5-6 individual parts).

1/18/2012 4:04:33 PM
130 Reputation 14 Total posts

Thank you Denis.

Why does the blog system consist of 5-6 individual parts by the way?


1/18/2012 4:38:33 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

There are separate parts for blog post list, single blog post view, blog post edit, blog comments, etc. This modular approach allows for greater control and part reuse across projects. Same holds for other more complex sections: groups, discussion forums, etc.

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