Mono Support Personalization is not enabled and/or modifiable 

Viewed 31454 time(s), 3 post(s), 4/9/2013 8:58:58 AM - by Zoomicon
4/9/2013 8:58:59 AM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

1) if I paste "Personalization is not enabled and/or modifiable. The Enabled property must be set to true, and a registered personalization provider must be selected. The current user must be granted the right to modify personalization state." in this site's search box I get a browser error page saying "bad request" (HTTP error?). Is it some security feature of that thinks this is too long input for the search box? If there's a limit why don't you add a maxlen there?

2) after upgrading older DB to use with newer MonoX I get:

Personalization is not enabled and/or modifiable. The Enabled property must be set to true, and a registered personalization provider must be selected. The current user must be granted the right to modify personalization state.


also, during upgrade from (run scripts 3715 to 3842) I get error when running
01. Fix_Blog_Slug_IX.sql
The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.Blog' and the index name 'IX_Slug'. The duplicate key value is (Creating-ClipFlair-activities).
The statement has been terminated.

and had to ignore that upgrade script - however I don't think this is causing the issue, I think I've seen something about personalization here before, but can't spot it at the moment with the search

4/9/2013 1:22:49 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

thanks, fixed as per suggestion at by clearing the all users personalization table at the db (since I couldn't log in to do from admin console). The per user one was empty already.

4/9/2013 2:50:30 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Fixed the URL by modifying the title, glad that everything worked out.

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