Mono Support How to display related blog post ?  

Viewed 8916 time(s), 2 post(s), 2/18/2014 6:25:41 PM - by super
2/18/2014 6:25:41 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

I have Related content set to true but still I do not see related blog post even  though I have same tag related to several blog posts:

<MonoX:BlogContainer ID="blogContainer" runat="server" UsePrettyPhoto="true" DateFormatString="d" RelatedContentVisible="true" EnableSyntaxHighlighter="true" GravatarRenderType="NotSet"  RewritePageTitle="false" PageSizeComments="20"/>

Can anyone please confirm if related content for blog post is working in 4.9v or not ? if yes, where I am wrong ?

2/19/2014 8:30:34 AM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts

It should work, I've just tested it on our side. Can you check if all the related blog posts are published?


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