MonoX Roadmap Live nightly build 

Viewed 31335 time(s), 7 post(s), 11/22/2012 12:44:59 PM - by Zoomicon
11/22/2012 12:44:59 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

Is the latest nightly build somewhere live to try?
I'd expect your build scripts to update such a live instance automatically
and to have the url to it at the nightly builds download

would help for people to quickly check that bugs/features have been addressed

11/22/2012 12:48:55 PM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

btw, at my post above I see on the right 16 total posts, but can't click on it (either the number or the Total posts phrase) to see a list of all my posts under the user e-mail I use to login (to really see ALL my posts of course it would need of course for profile deduplication [for social logins] and option to merge multiple profiles into a master one to be available ;-)

11/22/2012 4:35:07 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Live nightly builds will be available soon on a separate subdomain, "My Posts" feature will be taken under consideration as for the deduplication, this is a pretty complex functionality and we do implement such a functionality but as per customer request as a part of the custom development service.


2/13/2013 1:15:48 AM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

btw, do you upload a nightly build even when there are no changes? How come the log file available for download for each build always contains one single line? Is there a complete log/history of changes in the life of the project somewhere?

2/14/2013 8:23:30 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


nightly build is scheduled for Wednesday & Friday 6 pm so CI will push the build even there are no changes made. Sometimes other branches "confuse" the CI so it pushes the build online. We could add "full" change log to the nightly build and let's say include entries up to the last release. 

Thanks for the feedback.

5/31/2013 6:48:06 AM
2793 Reputation 345 Total posts

Seems nightly build is now at:
(btw there's an error at latest build as also mentioned at support forum by some other user)

but the nightly builds downloads page doesn't mention that (should have that link at the top together with some history link), so that one could see the history and try the build to see what changed / if some issue they're watching has been fixed adequately etc. without having to download/install themselves locally

5/31/2013 12:15:07 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Point taken, we have added a link to nightly builds and if user wants to check the change log one should download only the changelog file and search for the issue.


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