Mono Support MonoX data access libraries for building support applications - System Services, Web Services etc. (Closed)

Viewed 12482 time(s), 8 post(s), 1/11/2012 11:33:23 PM - by helmer
1/11/2012 11:33:23 PM
60 Reputation 5 Total posts


In addition to using the MonoX web application, we have a need to develop a seperate web service (WCF) or system service application using just the MonoX data access components. These new applications require no user interface or user authentication.

1) Are MonoX libraries designed to be easily reused in this fashion?
2) My hope is, I could build a new WCF application including only a subset of the MonoX libraries required to access the database?
3) What is the subset of libraries needed to access the database - MonoSoftware.LLBLGen.dll, MonoSoftware.MonoX.DAL.dll, MonoSoftware.Core.dll ??? Others?
4) At which MonoX API level would you recommend we interface with, to accomplish this?
5) Please comment on the feasability of this kind of reuse. We can purchase the source code if this makes the task easier.

Thank you,

1/12/2012 1:43:22 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

I don't see a problem with this approach. In addition to the libraries you mentioned, you would have to include the SD.LLBLGen.* DLLs. Regarding 4), we would have to have more details, as it depends on the type of functionality you want to implement. In general, the greatest control can be obtained by calling the DAL repository methods directly, although you can also use a limited set of higher level MonoX or OpenSocial API calls.

1/12/2012 11:09:41 PM
60 Reputation 5 Total posts

Thanks Denis, I will proceed by using the repository interfaces initially.

1/13/2012 4:23:26 PM
60 Reputation 5 Total posts


I was experimenting with the MonoSoftware.MonoX.Repositories.UserRepository within my application as described in my previous post. It seems there is a dependency on MonoSoftware.Web.dll.

1) Is this the only MonoX.Repository object that relies on the MonoSoftware.Web namespace?
2) Is the MonoSoftware.Web namespace considered part of the UI layer or the Data layer?


1/13/2012 5:06:34 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

Hi Helmer,
No, this is not the only repository using it. Thus namespace does not really belong to UI or data layers: it holds a set of utility classes with functionality that is generally useful in all Web apps: anti-spam, security, URL formatting, caching and similar. MonoSoftware.Web and MonoSoftware.Core are used quite frequently in all layers.

12/6/2013 3:10:18 AM
5 Reputation 1 Total posts

Please, where can I find the library MonoSoftware.Core.dll

12/6/2013 8:20:43 AM
443 Reputation 50 Total posts

It is located in "bin" folder.

12/6/2013 8:25:51 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


it's included in every MonoX package, so you can reference it directly from bin folder.


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