Mono Support The virtual path '/Default.aspx' maps to another application, which is not allowed. 

Viewed 17963 time(s), 3 post(s), 3/4/2011 10:53:23 PM - by shawndg
3/4/2011 10:53:23 PM
1871 Reputation 252 Total posts

OK.. guys..

I know.. the quick work around is to add a / to the end of the url..

AKA.. http://localhost/monox35 errors and http://localhost/monox35/ dont..

But how do we fix it right.. ? my users coming to the host will be coming to a domain and odds are they wont be typing in the /..

any idea how to fix this ?

3/4/2011 11:32:42 PM
1871 Reputation 252 Total posts


This actually may be a problem with MonoX and virtual directory's..

I created a new website.. and pointed its source dir to my installed MonoX location and it worked.

the mapping issue is now gone.. but if I try to use MonoX as a virtual directory it comes right back..

3/5/2011 2:27:21 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

This will not happen on a root domain name in any scenario ( It happens only with virtual folders (depending on your IIS configuration), and is caused by URL rewriting module.
We have fixed this behavior internally, and it should not happen again. The fix will be available with the next minor upgrade, which should be published next week.

This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info.