Mono Support Forums page - can't see all forums after you join to some 

Viewed 34381 time(s), 4 post(s), 11/9/2012 8:18:05 AM - by GeorgeBirbilis13
11/9/2012 8:18:05 AM
211 Reputation 26 Total posts

similar to how the Groups page behaves, initially you see all forums, but after subscribing to some you only see those

at least in Groups page there's a search on the right handside that can be used to see all groups, but in forums page there's no similar thing

my suggestion is to have some button on the top together with "New topics" and "Topics you participated in" (see similar suggestion for groups) that says "All Discussion Boards" or something like that

11/9/2012 9:36:54 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Discussion boards do not work like that you should always be able to see all discussion boards and you have a link that allow you to go back to all discussion boards, so I'm not sure if the behavior you have is the correct one, can you please describe this a bit more or maybe provide us with screenshots so we can see exactly what is the issue ?

Note: If you provide us with screenshots please include the part where we can see the URL(because of the url rewriting). 


11/9/2012 1:46:48 PM
155 Reputation 23 Total posts

strange, now it works fine, maybe it was scrolled out of the view and I got confused
thanks anyway

11/9/2012 2:16:19 PM
211 Reputation 26 Total posts

seems it was some private (?) forum shown only when I logged in as admin and this got me confused

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