Mono Support Profile image (avatar) 

Viewed 47849 time(s), 7 post(s), 9/18/2012 11:53:36 AM - by GeorgeBirbilis4
9/18/2012 11:53:36 AM
35 Reputation 6 Total posts

at one's Profile, mouseover avatar image says "Browse" instead of "Change" or "Edit" (since there's no image editor to crop etc., I'd prefer "Change")

also, on my own installation opening that dialog and uploading an image doesn't seem to do something. Could it be some issue with access rights? (I thought the installer checks those issues)

btw, when clicking to edit here, the editor toolbar goes over Please edit your post header but leaves P hiding at the left which looks strange (IE9/Win7)

9/18/2012 11:56:54 AM
35 Reputation 6 Total posts

The other thing is that one would expect when logging in with Facebook to get the Facebook icon of the user (similar on other social neworks)

however also consider my thread on multiple social identities/logins on this, what I'd expect is that when you login from a social network that gives back an e-mail for which an account already exists in the system to link that social network login to the existing account and then at the profile let you select as avatar either an image (as done now), or choose your gravatar image (using that same e-mail as id), or choose one of the images from the linked social network accounts (the social logins you've use on the site up to now).

9/18/2012 11:59:39 AM
35 Reputation 6 Total posts

also can check if gravatar has added functionality to get image from other social nets and stick with the gravatar image with some link (if you find that e-mail has a gravatar) to go to their profile on gravatar to edit the image

9/18/2012 1:41:10 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

I agree...

9/18/2012 2:06:12 PM
7207 Reputation 956 Total posts

I will try to answer all your questions below:
- I will submit the request for changing the caption of the gravatar action button, it makes sense.
- if you have problems with the upload process, this will most certainly be caused by the file system permission settings. Could you please take a look into the MonoX logs?
- could you send us a screenshot illustrating the Editor toolbar problem? I cannot replicate it.
- the cosial login question will be answered in its own thread.
- "mixed" avatar/gravatar mode is not supported, so you have to decide wheter to use one or another and be consistent with it. I will submit the request to forward gravatar users to the main gravatar service site for editing.

9/18/2012 2:20:04 PM
15 Reputation 5 Total posts

See screenshot

BTW, if I try to post something with just the screenshot attached (and no text), I see: "Please enter a value for 'Please enter your post'." - not the best message I guess (not sure if fields like this support a custom validation message)

9/18/2012 2:21:07 PM
15 Reputation 5 Total posts

note the P on the left of the image and at the right note how the outer frame is a bit outside the text aea of the editor (may be related)

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