Mono Support Adding and Accessing New Database Table 

Viewed 15280 time(s), 2 post(s), 11/10/2014 7:22:57 AM - by Apocalypse
11/10/2014 7:22:57 AM
177 Reputation 14 Total posts

I would like to create a new table in the MonoX database which i can achieve using SQL Developer or MS SQL Server Management Studio. Assume the table is called "dbo.Foo" and has the following columns 

ID (PK, UniqueIdentifier, not null),
UserId (FK, UniqueIdentifier, not null),
Title (nvarchar(100), not null),

how would i utilize the DAL/IDataAccessAdapter/ LLBLGen Adapter Template to access this table in the Database? Thanks in Advance

11/10/2014 10:11:17 AM
1384 Reputation 152 Total posts


You would need a licence for regenerating MonoX DAL. See here:

Afterwards you can use GenericRepository  to access your table.

Please not that nothing stops you from using something else to work with the database (eg System.Data.SqlClient directly).


This is a demo site for MonoX. Please visit Mono Software for more info.