Mono Support Maybe a tiny (really tiny) improvement to monox (Closed)

Viewed 10308 time(s), 4 post(s), 8/11/2013 1:34:11 PM - by alainb
8/11/2013 1:34:11 PM
22 Reputation 2 Total posts

Hello ,
i was testing monoX recently and wanted to included some pages i made elsewhere.
They were based on Framework.
I integrated in Monox in seconds but the result was a bit to heavy for me , 2 big ajax frameworks in a same page was a bit overkill.
So i started to create some master pages , removing all the Microsoft ajax dependencies and retested.
It almost worked :-) but i couldn't use the HTML5menu.

i found a tiny dependency in at least 2 files (jquery.parentSelector.js and MonoXMenuHTML5.ascx)

in the document ready section i included a small piece of javascript like this :

    if ( typeof Sys !== "undefined"  ) {
/* existing code after */
            var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
it is just a test to check if sys is defined or not.

After this , it worked , and it worked really fast.

I think it could be a cool modif to do . What do you think ?

Best Regards and keep on your good work on monox , a really nice cms.

8/12/2013 2:16:47 PM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts

Hi AlainB,

thanks for your response. We will consider your suggestion.


8/26/2013 11:49:12 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

This is fixed and it will be included in next nightly build.


8/26/2013 12:08:25 PM
22 Reputation 2 Total posts

Excellent , Thank you Sir !

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