Mono Support Is this a BUG ? uploading files on forum and blog post created an unpublished entry ? 

Viewed 22469 time(s), 12 post(s), 5/12/2014 4:17:32 PM - by super
5/12/2014 4:17:33 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

I think there are 3 bugs:

1) When any user try to upload any file on forum post, an "un-approaved" forum post is created by default in the topic.

2) When any user try to post any blog post and attach files to the blog post - an "un-approved" empty blog post is posted by default before even making the blog post publish.

3) In case any one from developement team denies that the above 2 are not bugs and they are BY DESIGN. Well, in any forum post or blog post is being posted and still not published by  the user, the activity feed still show the updated that this file has been uploaded and it is visible to public even when the original forum post or blog post is not made public or published or not even save by the user. Just by uploading a file, it added an entry to the activity feed which is a bug.

5/13/2014 12:59:39 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

anyone from the development team ?

5/15/2014 1:03:49 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts


5/15/2014 1:12:44 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi Super,

please note that we try answer questions on support forum within 48 hrs but we are not obligated by that time frame in case of free support. If you need faster response times please engage with our priority support which has response times of 24 hrs.  

Please be patient someone from the support team will answer on your question.


5/16/2014 1:20:37 PM
526 Reputation 43 Total posts

1) Yes, it get's created because it needs to be bound to a post entity. I tested this, and this post is only visible to the admin as unapproved, it's not public.

2) We tested this and we couldn't make the post appear as unapproved. File did get uploaded though.

3) File upload event seems to appear to anonymous users, but not to all logged-in roles. We will further investigate this in the future.

5/16/2014 3:24:26 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

point# 3) It is a bug because if something in not unapproved, it should not show up the in activity list.

5/29/2014 5:02:18 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

any update ?

5/30/2014 8:46:33 AM
526 Reputation 43 Total posts

The bug will be fixed and the patch will be released in the near future.

8/27/2014 5:08:13 PM
6018 Reputation 709 Total posts

1) Any update ? can you please post the solution here?

2) This will be fixed in upcoming 5.0v ?

8/29/2014 8:53:50 AM
526 Reputation 43 Total posts

No, this wasn't fixed yet as there have been no releases yet.

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