Mono Support Monox Localization 

Viewed 251708 time(s), 42 post(s), 3/3/2012 1:30:20 PM - by HüseyinDursun
3/16/2012 7:29:00 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

Hi, Ivan will send you the files today COB and you can schedule a TeamViewer session in order to solve the issue.

3/16/2012 7:59:13 AM
450 Reputation 66 Total posts

Ok, I will be waiting. Actually I am using the previous version without problems. I don't want to deal with the problems any more. I will concentrate on translations. Monox is the best ASP.NET CMS and I will do my best to help it improve.

Thanks for your great support...

3/16/2012 5:40:41 PM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts


please find all the resources attached. Sorry for delay. Some of them are already translated, so you will need to add the ones that are not. While translating, please bear in mind that you retain "MonoX" word in them. So once you translate them, we will include it in MonoX and send you the built one..


3/16/2012 5:47:35 PM
450 Reputation 66 Total posts

Ok, I wil translate as soon as possible. Thanks...

3/16/2012 7:06:24 PM
450 Reputation 66 Total posts


Are these the files I have translated before? Because it seems that all translations were made. Are there any missing strings in tr  files? Should I compare the two files?

Actually I had read denis' post in a discussion topic:

The next major release is going to be published in May/June. We will focus on adding more social networking features: import/invitation, various relationship parts, including "people you may know" and various variants of social graphs, support for tighter integration with Facebook (login, profile and social graph import) and other social networks, flexible user profile, chat, better support for mobile clients/responsive design, etc.

I had wanted the resx files including these features to make them ready for the next release.


3/18/2012 6:58:54 PM
3016 Reputation 428 Total posts


The resources I've sent to you are directly from the current MonoX version(they do not contain your translation), so you can do all the necessary translation and we will include them in MonoX. So please do not change MonoX related content(e.g. Monox to Okul online).

When you do that, please send us also the resources that fit to your need(Freely include Okul online insted of MonoX) that we'll build for you so you can use them in your web site.

So you need to send us two versions of resoruces, one which will be directly included in MonoX, and second that will be used in your web site.

Regarding the next MonoX release, at the moment we do not have those new resources included, so it will be ready later on.

With regard to your previous questions, it is possible that newly built resources(that Kristijan sent to you) are not being loaded, so if that problem persits we will investigate it and eventualy make a remote Team viewer session in order to fix it.


3/19/2012 12:13:01 PM
450 Reputation 66 Total posts


I have finished the translations. I have attached two versions. The one named "" is for MonoX and the other named "" is for my website.


3/21/2012 10:59:08 AM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts


I have compiled a Okul-Online localization files, please find them attached.


3/21/2012 2:21:41 PM
450 Reputation 66 Total posts


I was using the version 4.1.2742 and localization files were working well. I have upgraded to to the version

But I don't know whether I made the upgrade without problem.

I deleted the bin, MonoX, themes and templates folders and copied the folders from the new version. I copied the localization files you sent into the bin folder. I copied the web.config file and visited the website. On the database selection page I chose "use an existing database" and finished the installation.

I can surf in my website without problem and the version number is correct. But the localization files didn't work. Some parts are still in English.

Actually I didn't do anything about database upgrade. Because I didn't understand anything about database upgrade part on the Blog post named "Upgrading to the new MonoX version"

If I am making mistakes please tell me. You had better know that I don't have any programming skills.

Thanks for your help..

3/21/2012 3:17:18 PM
15993 Reputation 2214 Total posts

I'll try to schedule a TeamViewer session to solve your issue as it would be much faster. Someone from the support team will contact you.

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