Mono Support How to create link for RSS Feed icon 

8209 put(a) pogledan, 2 odgovor(a), 18.1.2012. 0:54:07 - Kreirao(la) grant.stone007
18.1.2012. 0:54:07
647 Reputacija 69 Ukupno objava

I see how in MonoX the RSS link is generated in the <head> of RSS enabled webparts/pages. I also see how auto discovery is implemented in the popular browsers. However, I still have many request from my user community to put a old fashioned RSS icon on pages where RSS feed is available. I guess this is because auto discovery is not obvious to users.

I am not an expert on how RSS works so I may way off track here but I looked over the MonoX API. I could not figure out how the actual RSS feed url gets generated. For example on a blog page /blog/posts/my-blog/ it appears that the RSS Feed URL is something like /blog/posts/my-blog/?MonoXRssFeed=my+blog

I assume if I were to place an RSS icon opn page would make href="/blog/posts/my-blog/?MonoXRssFeed=my+blog". Correct?

Is there any way in API to get the RSS Feed URL or some logic convention by which I could compose such a URL?

18.1.2012. 10:39:05
7207 Reputacija 956 Ukupno objava

Your assumption is correct. The logic is actually very simple: the RSS engine looks for the presence of a particular query string parameter - in default case, it is named "MonoXRssFeed" (to minimze the possibility for parameter name collisions). You can just add this parameter to your base URLs and that's it - you have a URL that is ready to be used in your RSS icons.

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